Scarlet Cord

Dec 18, 2008 09:34

Just when I think I know You, You go and show me something I misunderstood, or something new.  Thank You, Father, for reminding me who You are.  You are more than I can fatham, and more than I can say.  You are above and beyond us all.  Teach me Your ways.  Let me hear Your thoughts.  Tell me what it means to live for You today.  Glory to You, Father.  Glory to You.

As I remember You were once a baby asleep on hay like an animal, I think on a friend who is loosing her home two days after Christmas.  I consider You.  I know You will take care of her.  I know that You will look out for baby Mathew and his big sister.  I lift them up to You, Lord, and I ask for You to give them strenght, wisdom, and let them hear Your direction.  I remember how hard it was when I was raising my first daughter on my own.  I remember what it was like to live afraid, confused, and without direction.  I remember the desperate choices I made and the pain an anguish it brought me and my child.  Even still the effects of that life are apparent today.  I shall remember, and be humbled by it.

And I pause for a moment to tell my youngest why we give gifts on Christmas, and why we spend time to make sure other children don't go without.  God gave us the gift of Christ, and we do this in rememberance of this.  And in regards to this... I know much of Christmas was turned into massive consumerism... but!!!  Each time a person swipes a debit card, purchases a candy cane, or sings a Christmas song they are (even if they do not know it) celebrating the birth of Christ.  I don't care if they call it a holiday or Christmas it is still an example of the first true gift of God.... His son to us; a baby in a manger, the man on the cross, Christ resurrected, and the Holy Spirit, the gift of salvation for any who would receive it, believe it, and come to know.

A song from the Father's heart...

You dropped your light of hope, your beacon in the window.  You are playing the harlot.  I have loosed your cord of scarlet.  Daughter of inquity what am I to do with the?  Bride that was to be, you are gone away from me.  You dropped your light of hope, your beacon in the window.  You are playing the harlot.  I have loosed your cord of scarlet.  O, daughter, dark and lovely, the price is set before me.  Bride that's yet to be, this I will pay for the.  O daughter, dark and lovely, the price is set before me.  O, bride that's yet to be, O this I will gladly pay, I will gladly pay, I will gladly pay for the.  And whatever the price, O whatever the cost, whatever it might be surely you must know, you are worth it, you are worth it to Me!  You are worth it to me, O my bride.  So I will go. I will go. I will buy you back.  I will go. I will go.  I will buy you back.  I will go, I will go, I will buy you back.  I will go.  I will go.  I will buy you back.

So beautiful, so lovely, you are to Me.  You see, the world may look on the outside.  They see something not worth it.  But I will look on the inside.  There I see something beautiful to Me!  O pure and spotless, blameless one you are, in the end.  There I see something beautiful to Me.  All together lovely, before the Day I will come to make you Mine.  So whatever the cost, surely I will pay it.  Whatever the price, surely I will pay it.  And I will gladly give up my life.  I will gladly come.  I will become like one of you.  I will go through the struggle like one of you.  I will show you My love by suffering.  I will show you My love, O the deep part of Me.  I will show you my love by suffering as one of you.  O then surely you will know My heart.  O and surely you will know the debth of Me.  And then surely you will know eternity, in Me.   So I will go.  I will go.  I will buy you back.  I will go.  I will go.  I will buy you back.  And you will be mine.  Gonna show you in whatever way I can.  I'm gonna show you the debths of My heart.

Listen, O daughter.  O consider, and incline your ear.  Don't you see?  See how the King?  He desires your beauty...  far above all else.  You are the favored one.  Listen, O daughter.  Consider this.  See how the King desires you.  He desires you.  See how the King desires.  He desires you.  O fromthe debths of My soul, and far above all else, you are the one my heart yearns for.

Whom is this groaning?  Whom is this longing?  Coming from the heart of God, crying out, crying out to a bride.  Such a groaning.  Such a churning, a yearning for you...

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago),”- Luke 1:68-70

Remember those trapped in the sex industry, and sex slavery during this Christmas season.  Place a red ribbon on your windows without a wreath.  Remind the world what is really going on... pray for them.  And pray for God to show us all a way to make a difference in their lives.

reference:  audry lynn

scarlet cord

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