He is Coming

Dec 19, 2008 09:33

I was guilty, and You said go and be free to me.  I was dark and You were light.  You were day, and I was night.  Yet, You loved me.  Yet, You saw something in me that was worth it.  Lord, Father, thank You.  Teach me to love others with Your same heart.  Thank You, Jesus.

He's coming!!  Wake O wake O sleeper!  He's coming!  Wake O wake O sleeper!  He is coming!!  He is alive!  Jesus of Nazareth.  The slain lamb!  The Jewish King!  He is alive!  Prepare the way!  People get ready!  He is not a man that He would lie.  He said He would come again.  He will come again.  People get ready!  People get ready!  Some said a carpenter.  Some said a teacher.  Some said a prophet.  He is God.  He was born a man made to be a King.  Like a lamb sent to the slaughter He was silent.  His patence endured.  He is coming.  He is alive.  Look upon the one You have pierced.  Who is this King of glory?  Who is this King of glory?

Jesus.... Messiah... Lord... root and offspring of David...

I can hear the rythem of the Lion of the tribe of Judah.  He is alive!  The same way He asended He will desend again.  Are you ready?

I can hear the rythem of the Lion of the tribe of Judah.  I can hear the rythem of the Lion of the tribe of Judah.  I can hear the rythem of the Lion of the tribe of Judah!  He's doing a new thing.   So we're singing a new song!  Because He's doing a new thing, so we're singing a new song!   He's not a baby in a manger anymore!  He's not a broken man on the cross!  He didn't stay in the grave!  He's not staying in heaven forever!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alvie!  He's alive!

People get ready!  Jesus is coming!   People get ready!  Jesus is coming!  People get ready!  Jesus is coming!  We join in the song of the ages, its a new song!  O we sing to the one who was slain!  You have proven Your love.  You have shown us that You can be trusted!   To take the scroll and open the seals!  We trust You Jesus and we want You to come back.  So take the scrolls and open the seals!

I can hear the rythem of the Lion of the tribe of Judah!  I can hear the rythem of the Lion of the tribe of Judah!  He's doing a new thing.   So we're singing a new song!  Because He's doing a new thing, so we're singing a new song!   He's not a baby in a manger anymore!  He's not a broken man on the cross!  He didn't stay in the grave!  He's not staying in heaven forever!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alvie!  He's alive!

He's not a baby in a manger anymore!  He's not a broken man on the cross!  He didn't stay in the grave!  He's not staying in heaven forever!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alvie!  He's alive

He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alive!  He's alive!!!!!!!!!  People get ready!  Jesus is coming!  People get ready!  Jesus Is coming!

People walking around with their fingers in their ears saying, "DA DA DA DA I don't want to hear the sound of the coming King."  People walking around with their fingers in their ears saying, "DA DA DA DA I don't want to hear the sound of the coming King."

But He said, "Well, I have held my peace for a long, long, long time!And in my silience you thought that I was all together like you.  And in your heart of complacency you said, 'He won't even respond.  He's not interested.   He's been dead and gone.'  But in my I've been silent for such a long, long, long time.  But I'm about to gasp, to pant, to cry out, to cry out, to cry out, to cry out , I'm about  to shout!!!!!!!  Once again I'm gonna shake everything that can be shaken.  Once again I'm gonna break everything that can be broken.  Once again I'm gonna shake everything that can be shaken.  Once again I'm gonna break everything that can be broken.   Are you ready?  Are you ready for this?  Are you ready?  Are you ready for this?  Are you ready for this?  Are you ready?  Are you ready??????"

People get ready!  Jesus is coming!  People get ready!  Jesus is coming!  People get ready!  Jesus is coming!  He's coming!  He's comging!  He's coming!  He's coming!!!!!!

Lord, I want You to come, but I do thank You for waiting just a little longer for a few more that don't know You....  There are many in my one small life that I love dearly and want in eternity with us.  How it breaks my heart to see them live without knowing You... I can't even imagine what it is like to see them every moment of every day waiting and desiring them in Your will, and watching them walk in brokeness... not knowing the righteous joy of Your Holy Spirit.  How sweet it is to come and seek You and find You.  How sweet Your presence.  How precious Your peace and healing touch.  Living for You is freedom and more than I can even describe.  Lord, make me a light.  Lord, put the words in my mouth to share You with the world.  Send me Lord.  Thank You Lord!  Thank You Lord, Father, Jesus!

“And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven” -  
Luke 1:76-78

I'm just a bird with a melody to sing.  I'm hardly heard.  Yet these tiny little wings... I can see the arrows flying but I'm not afraid.  I can hear terror and travisty, but I'm not afriad.  I'm not afraid.  I am not afraid!  I am hiding hear in Your shadow riding under Your wings.  I am flying trusting the angels.  I'm living in Your covering and I'm not afraid!  I'm not afraid!  I'm just a bird without a penny to my name.  It may sound absurd.  I got no plans beyond today.  I can see an arrow flying and I'm not afraid.  I can hear the terror and travisty, but I'm not afraid.  I am not afraid!  I am not afraid.  I am hiding hear in shadow and I am riding under Your wings.  I am flying trusting the angels and living in Your covering!  I am hiding and I am riding under Your wings!  I am flying trusting the angels and living in Your covering!  And I'm not afraid!  I'm not afraid!


Forgive me for my pride, Lord.  Change me.  Fill me.  Let me glorify You!!!!

ref:  Jason Upton, Misty Edwards

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