The New Moon's Arms

Feb 02, 2010 23:03

Because I'm all behind as a cow's tail (as my grandmother used to say), I just now got around to reading Nalo Hopkinson's The New Moon's Arms (Warner, 2007).  It's beautiful.  I love the language, a musical Caribbean dialect that never seems precious or forced and goes down smooth as silk.  I love the narrator, Calamity Lambkin, snarky, prickly, ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

matociquala February 3 2010, 13:12:06 UTC
I love that book passionately.


elswhere1 February 3 2010, 18:19:41 UTC
Lise loves this book too. I really have to read it.


pameladean February 4 2010, 21:07:06 UTC
Her timing is superb. I was just getting restless, thinking, "Oh, come on, this is a textbook menopause, nobody really has one just like that" -- and then things really fell apart, and I remembered the opening scene. So nicely done!



Menopause anonymous February 5 2010, 09:10:13 UTC
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



Re: Menopause deliasherman February 16 2010, 18:33:26 UTC
Welcome, btw. Glad to have you around.


New Moon's Arms anonymous February 16 2010, 16:31:48 UTC
Loved it - inhaled it. Loved Calamity with all her flaws. But did I miss something? Do we ever find out what happened to her mother??


Re: New Moon's Arms deliasherman February 16 2010, 18:32:31 UTC
Mama is/was a selkie, a seal/sea woman. My guess is that she ran away to sea when she couldn't stand her husband any more, and maybe something happened to her. Or maybe she chose to stay away, for seal/sea woman reasons we'll never know. Because it's Calamity's novel, and sometimes there's an unsolved mystery at the center of your life, and you need to learn to live with it.


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