The New Moon's Arms

Feb 02, 2010 23:03

Because I'm all behind as a cow's tail (as my grandmother used to say), I just now got around to reading Nalo Hopkinson's The New Moon's Arms (Warner, 2007).  It's beautiful.  I love the language, a musical Caribbean dialect that never seems precious or forced and goes down smooth as silk.  I love the narrator, Calamity Lambkin, snarky, prickly, defensive, and frequently downright mean, but is also absolutely honest, totally sexy, funny as hell, and going through the most interesting menopause on record.  I love her friends, lovers, and enemies, her plain, earnest daughter and her thoroughly little-boy grandson.  And I love the subtle, mysterious, absolutely believable magic that haunts her and the island she lives on.

A remarkable writer, Nalo Hopkinson.  And The New Moon's Arms is a truly remarkable book.  I'm so glad it was the one I picked off the shelf to read.  Spending time with Calamity and Agway and Ifeoma was just exactly what I needed right now.


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