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Sep 24, 2009 09:06

I have a lot of catching up to do. Which I will attack in bits and pieces, based on my paper journal (I'm so glad I keep a paper journal) and my pictures and wandering into Ellen's study from time to time to ask the name of the place where we saw all the cool flowers and weren't there two steam engines? And where was that slate works we didn't ( Read more... )

thoughts, sick

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Comments 4

matociquala September 24 2009, 13:29:43 UTC
Feel better soon please.


d_aulnoy September 24 2009, 13:54:52 UTC
Welcome home, and feel better soon ....


la_marquise_de_ September 24 2009, 14:00:12 UTC
Flying with a cold is horrid: sympathy, and feel better soon.


ellen_kushner September 24 2009, 21:05:08 UTC
Powys Castle.

Blaenau Ffestinog.

And don't worry, folks; I'm making her a lovely Moroccan chicken stew wtih ginger.


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