Episode Review 2.1 - A New Dawn

Nov 16, 2014 20:39

And here we go with series 2 of Atlantis! This is a sort of review, with my thoughts, random ramblings, and some pictures.

Needless to say, there will be great big spoilers for the espisode :-)

2.1 - A New Dawn )

random, ramblings, pythagoras, fandom: atlantis, squee, ariadne, jason, picspam, discussion, tv, hercules

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Comments 17

bigtitch November 16 2014, 21:49:00 UTC
Please tell me there's still the Wailing Chorus at the Temple of Exposition?


deinonychus_1 November 17 2014, 20:28:17 UTC
What? Sorry, I'm obviously having a dim moment, because you've lost me! :-)


kristen_mara November 17 2014, 10:43:48 UTC

There was a section in here about love interests and fan art that I found very interesting when I read it - I suppose you've already read it *G*



deinonychus_1 November 17 2014, 20:30:35 UTC
Heehee! Yes, we saw that and there was a great deal of excitable flailing and squeeing in the fandom! :-)

It doesn't take much, some days... ;-)


eriah211 November 17 2014, 23:39:57 UTC
"I don’t actually recall hearing it mentioned at all in the show that it was supposed to be a year later"
I realised that too. It could be terribly confusing for people who had been avoiding spoilers and not reading interviews.

"Pythagoras actually looks like he is seriously contemplating murdering the man in cold blood for a good ten seconds or so"
I was so fucking scared he would actually do it \0/ I was worried they would go really too far with the new tone, you know? I was actually holding my breath and begging "No, please, don't" mentally.

"I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them turns round and punches him in the face before the series is over."
So far it's looking like it's going that way. I wanted to punch him myself after the 'I have a destiny' speech.

Also, definitely a new tone, but I will have to wait til I watch a less action-packed episode to really see how much the show has changed. There were too many fights and too much running to see things clearly, if you know what I mean ^_^


deinonychus_1 November 18 2014, 22:25:00 UTC
Yes, I definitely know what you mean on that last point. I am actually hoping that maybe it's just because it's such a big, epic, action-packed plot to kick off the new series that everything seems so chaotic and different. Maybe it will calm down a bit and there will be more character-related plots after the big opening two-parter.

Oh, yes, I was really worried that Pythagoras was actually going to kill that guy. I think that really would have been a step too far.

Lol! Jason really does seem to be acting like a bit of a dick so far. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.

I do like your new series 2 Atlantis icon, btw. :-)


eriah211 November 18 2014, 23:17:53 UTC
Hehee, thanks! I wanted to celebrate the new series and the new tone with a new icon ^_^

I'm dying to see a less chaotic episode to get the real feeling of the new series *waits impatiently for next episode*


deinonychus_1 November 20 2014, 22:11:46 UTC
I might have to make myself a couple of series 2 icons, but I think I'll wait for some more promo pics to become available first. I adore that promo pic that you've used for your - Py looks so mean and moody (and hot!) :-)


honor_reid November 18 2014, 05:22:12 UTC
I finally was able to watch it today.

I think you have a point it seemed a bit chaotic so if someone was tuning in for the first time it would be a bit difficult to follow.

Jason was abrupt with everyone, but it could be Jack's way of trying to show how much more dramatic this show is supposed to be, so maybe it was an acting choice. Also the fact that except for the one conversation between Pythagoras and Hercules there was no time for heart to heart. So we really didn't get any insight into what Jason is thinking or how he's doing in general.

Actually that is the complaint I have with this episode, we really don't know how the past year has been for most of the characters. So maybe in pt.2

I agree the jury is still out for me as well as far as whether I like the new tone of the show. I am hoping that we will get more moments between Hercules, Pythagoras, and Jason, like in the first season. Because honestly they were the ones that keep me tuning in every week.


deinonychus_1 November 18 2014, 22:35:04 UTC
Jason appears to have become very focussed and abrupt and to the point, to the point of almost being mono-syllabic ( ... )


honor_reid November 19 2014, 06:36:57 UTC
I am hoping that it settles down as well.

I have been thinking and your right he was very resolute about doing things his way last season as well. In Greek Mythology the heros all tend to be very flawed in character so maybe this is Jason's flaw.

Plus ever since he has been in Atlantis he has been told he has a destiny and he is the ONLY one who can save everyone. He even is faster and more skilled in fighting then others who have been fighting for their entire life. Ariadne herself has even said he has never failed.

The point being that, all of that could go to even the humblest of person's head. And considering Jason probably wasn't all that humble to begin with he may have an over inflated ego at this point.

Maybe the writers are setting him up for a fall and for him to finally fail at something (And probably in a very painful way). Which would allow his character to grow and become a better hero in the process.

I hope all of that makes since as it is late here and I am tired. :)


deinonychus_1 November 20 2014, 22:16:31 UTC
Yes, you're right. If he is constantly being told by people that he is 'special' and has a destiny, it would be surprising if it hadn't affected him a bit.

Maybe the writers are setting him up for a fall and for him to finally fail at something (And probably in a very painful way). Which would allow his character to grow and become a better hero in the process.

I like that theory!


fififolle November 19 2014, 18:57:45 UTC
LOL! Great review :D
I will admit to be thoroughly confused, but didn't have enough attention on it as I was organising something else at the time, so could only spare one eye. I need to watch it again.
But I did love the Pythagoras declares his love scene, YAY! So cute.
Can't really wait for another episode.


deinonychus_1 November 20 2014, 22:21:59 UTC
I've watched it four or five times now, I think, and I have to admit there was a lot that I missed the first time (not least because I was doing the live watch as well, which always means you miss stuff while commenting). It definitely stands up to a second watching.

I think there was just *so much* going on, and it all moved so quickly compared to even the most action-packed of last years episodes, it's no wonder you missed things! I realised later that we didn't see the boys in their house once in this ep, which is a shame because I absolutely love the scenes with them at home being domestic.

Awww, bless Pythagoras. He really is just adorable.


fififolle November 21 2014, 20:23:44 UTC
Pythagoras' sword skills were insane! There really killed a whole load of people in the episode. I wonder how the rest of the series will pan out. I hope there will be some nice cosy house scenes for sure :D
And I get very excited every time we see Dion. (Though I wish he had a more sexy name *g*)

See you tomorrow!!! (Still need to pack.)


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