Episode Review 2.1 - A New Dawn

Nov 16, 2014 20:39

And here we go with series 2 of Atlantis! This is a sort of review, with my thoughts, random ramblings, and some pictures.

Needless to say, there will be great big spoilers for the espisode :-)

2.1 - A New Dawn )

random, ramblings, pythagoras, fandom: atlantis, squee, ariadne, jason, picspam, discussion, tv, hercules

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deinonychus_1 November 18 2014, 22:35:04 UTC
Jason appears to have become very focussed and abrupt and to the point, to the point of almost being mono-syllabic!

I've been thinking about it, and I think actually he was very bossy and stubborn about doing things 'his way' in series 1 as well, but it was offset against the fact that he often didn't understand what was going on and needed to have things explained to him by the others, so they could sometimes rein him in a bit of he was going too far. Now there has been a big time pass and Jason has (presumably) got used to the social rules and customs of the world, there isn't even that to hold him back any more, so the fact that he is determined to do things his way and damn the consequences is even more pronounced.

Maybe it is just because the opening two-parter is so action-packed and full of fights and action sequences, so there just isn't time for the more character-based stuff. I'm definitely hoping that after that it might settle down a bit and we'll see more of the boys interacting properly. Because yes, the relationship between the three main characters was really the thing that made the series stand out from other sci-fi/fantasy series for me. If it loses that, it will have lost the real heart of the show.


honor_reid November 19 2014, 06:36:57 UTC
I am hoping that it settles down as well.

I have been thinking and your right he was very resolute about doing things his way last season as well. In Greek Mythology the heros all tend to be very flawed in character so maybe this is Jason's flaw.

Plus ever since he has been in Atlantis he has been told he has a destiny and he is the ONLY one who can save everyone. He even is faster and more skilled in fighting then others who have been fighting for their entire life. Ariadne herself has even said he has never failed.

The point being that, all of that could go to even the humblest of person's head. And considering Jason probably wasn't all that humble to begin with he may have an over inflated ego at this point.

Maybe the writers are setting him up for a fall and for him to finally fail at something (And probably in a very painful way). Which would allow his character to grow and become a better hero in the process.

I hope all of that makes since as it is late here and I am tired. :)


deinonychus_1 November 20 2014, 22:16:31 UTC
Yes, you're right. If he is constantly being told by people that he is 'special' and has a destiny, it would be surprising if it hadn't affected him a bit.

Maybe the writers are setting him up for a fall and for him to finally fail at something (And probably in a very painful way). Which would allow his character to grow and become a better hero in the process.

I like that theory!


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