large graphic - Becker/Ryan Slave AU artwork

Jul 14, 2014 20:39

This graphic was made for the 'slaves' square on my hc_bingo card. It accompanies the fics Training, Further Education, and Duty of Care, although you probably don't need to have read them for this to make sense (I hope!).

Becker/Ryan slave AU graphic behind the cut )

becker/ryan, becker, slash, primeval, hurt comfort bingo, graphics, tom ryan

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Comments 19

lukadreaming July 14 2014, 19:50:11 UTC
Ooh err! Yes please, kthanxbye!


deinonychus_1 July 15 2014, 16:53:20 UTC
Thanks! Lol!

I realised after I posted it that I'd messed something up, so I've just amended it and re-uploaded the picture. Oops!


fififolle July 14 2014, 19:52:33 UTC
Oooh, delicious!!!


deinonychus_1 July 15 2014, 16:54:10 UTC
Hee, thanks. We are horrible to poor Becker.

I realised after I posted it that I'd messed something up, so I've just amended it and re-uploaded the picture. Oops!


goldarrow July 14 2014, 19:56:30 UTC
You do the most amazing work.
Absolutely beautiful.


deinonychus_1 July 15 2014, 16:55:24 UTC
Thank you! *blushes* Mind, it helps when you're making graphics from such pretty men to start with :-)

I realised after I posted it that I'd messed something up, so I've just amended it and re-uploaded the picture. Oops!


fififolle July 15 2014, 16:56:43 UTC
Well, whatever it was I can't tell *g* I had the same thing with my art prompt, I don't suppose anyone else spotted it either *g*


deinonychus_1 July 15 2014, 17:02:13 UTC
Lol, yes, it was tiny little thing (apart from the fact that I'd also forgotten to put my signature on the picture as well *headdesk*), but I'm such a perfectionist that once I'd spotted it I couldn't just leave it.


knitekat July 14 2014, 20:32:02 UTC
Ohhh. Yummy. *licks*


deinonychus_1 July 15 2014, 16:56:27 UTC
Thanks. It's a good look for Becker, because we are evil to the poor boy.

I realised after I posted it that I'd messed something up, so I've just amended it and re-uploaded the picture. Oops!


clea2011 July 14 2014, 22:31:06 UTC
Very nice!! And what a lovely cover it will make for the next fic in the series, won't it? Yes! *beams*


deinonychus_1 July 15 2014, 16:57:36 UTC
Thanks, although you really need to work on the subtlety of those hints, I think *innocent smile*

I realised after I posted it that I'd messed something up, so I've just amended it and re-uploaded the picture. Oops!


clea2011 July 15 2014, 17:19:55 UTC
How's this?


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