ficlet: Training

Jan 12, 2012 21:36

I'd just like to say, I cannot believe this is the first fic that I wrote in 2012! A certain Hound is clearly a Very Bad Influence making me write things like this!

Title: Training
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing/characters: Ryan/Becker
Rating: 18
Warnings: Slave!fic, pissing
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.
Word count: approx 675
Summary: Ryan’s new slave has a lot to learn
AN: Reposting from fredbassett’s fandom_stocking.

“Well, soldier. What have you got to say for yourself?”

Becker remained silent under Ryan’s glare. They both knew that any attempt at apology would only make things worse at this point.

Ryan slowly circled around the other man. Becker remained motionless, kneeling, his head bowed, naked save for his collar. He barely even flinched when Ryan ran the coil of the whip over the red lines already scored deeply into the younger man’s back.

“You disobeyed me. Again.”

They both knew that Becker’s actions had been a response to Cutter going off on one of his hunches again, and getting himself into trouble. They both knew that Becker had probably saved the man’s life. But at the same time, Becker had acted without thinking, and without respecting the chain of command. In short, he had made the mistake of forgetting that he wore a collar now.

This was only his second week, after all.

But that wasn’t the point. He had disobeyed a direct order.

Ryan leaned close and whispered in Becker’s ear. “I do not accept disobedience, soldier.”

“No, Master.”

Even now Ryan could hear the edge to Becker’s voice. The pride. The wilfulness. The refusal to submit completely. Any other master might simply have tried to beat that out of him, but Ryan already knew that wasn’t going to work with Becker.

But he also knew there was more than one way to skin a cat.

Ryan stopped, standing at Becker’s side. He saw the other man’s shoulders tense minutely, as if expecting the whip again. Ryan let him think that for several moments, before he slung the coiled whip over his shoulder. Then he unzipped his trousers and slipped his cock out. The two glasses of water he had drunk before he began to discipline his slave had done their work now.

The stream of hot urine splashed onto Becker’s shoulder and back, and this time he did flinch when it hit the raw wounds.

“Up straight,” Ryan barked. “Hands behind your back.”

Becker complied immediately, his hands linking behind his back and his head coming up. The movement ensured that the rest of Ryan’s piss landed on his front, soaking this chest hair and trickling down the expanse of his chest and abdomen. At the last moment, Ryan directed the stream upwards to hit Becker’s face and hair.

Finally done, he moved to stand in front of his slave.

“Clean it,” he ordered.

Becker leaned forwards, his hands still behind his back, and took Ryan’s cock into his mouth, sucking and licking away the last of his piss, his expression carefully controlled to hide his distaste.

He was learning, at least, Ryan reflected.

Finally satisfied, Ryan pulled his cock out and put it away, watching Becker as he zipped his trousers back up. He waited until he knew the urine would be cooling unpleasantly on his skin, until he would be becoming uncomfortable from maintaining that position for so long. And then he waited a little longer, to make sure the lesson has sunk in.

“You have a lot to learn, soldier. But that’s all right. I am a good teacher.”

“Yes, Master.”

Becker’s eyes were still downcast, and this time at least he kept a better control of his voice.

“Go to my room,” Ryan ordered. “Take out the short chain manacles and the cock ring, and lay them on the bed. Then wait for me.”

“Yes, Master.”

Becker stood, his hands still linked at his back. Definitely learning, Ryan thought with approval. Before Becker could move, though, Ryan reached out and tapped him with the whip.

“And don’t even think about cleaning yourself up.”

Becker hesitated for the briefest of moments, and Ryan saw him tense again. Then Becker nodded.

“As you wish, Master.”

Ryan watched him leave, waiting until the other man had gone before he let the satisfied smile creep onto his face. Everyone had a weakness, and now he knew what Becker’s was.

He was going to enjoy training his new slave a great deal.

becker/ryan, fanfic, becker, slash, tom ryan

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