Writing and fandom round up for 2013

Jan 01, 2014 13:07

Well, I always knew this year wasn't going to be great word-count wise, but actually the final count was better than I expected.

So, what did I write in 2013? )

gimp, ramblings, fandom: atlantis, primeval, hurt comfort bingo, fanfic, trope bingo, fandom: lewis

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Comments 17

fififolle January 1 2014, 16:02:49 UTC
Well done for making the amnesty at trope_bingo! Nice one.
And good count for the year! More than I'd have thought, for sure.
Happy New Year!


deinonychus_1 January 1 2014, 17:31:18 UTC
The trope bingo posting was far less traumatic than people had suggested it would be - mostly because it turns out that without a dreamwidth account you can't post to the com anyway, so all i did was compile all the html links and e-mail it to the comm mods for them to post.

I'm still not sure whether I'm going to join in the next round of trope bingo, I'd feel more comfortable if it was on lj, but I'm not ruling it out.

I was half expecting it to be no more than about 50k, so I was pleasantly surprised with the final total - although without the last minute 13k in December it would have been a different story!


clea2011 January 1 2014, 20:23:25 UTC
Go for trope bingo! You know you want to!!


fififolle January 2 2014, 12:02:59 UTC
You lucky thing!! That was probably much easier :D


clea2011 January 1 2014, 17:00:43 UTC
Let's face it, you've been pretty much FORCED to read fic in Merlin *g* Thank you! :D


deinonychus_1 January 1 2014, 17:32:38 UTC
Lol! I don't mind, even if you are sadly neglecting the lovely Gwaine and his obvious OTPness with Merlin ;-)


clea2011 January 1 2014, 20:22:45 UTC
Lovely Gwaine... I don't neglect him or Leon! I wouldn't dare. But... no OTP with Merlin, sorry :-(


jaynedoll January 1 2014, 17:56:33 UTC
Well done - good luck with the writing for 2014


deinonychus_1 January 2 2014, 20:41:09 UTC
Thanks! Hopefully the word count might be a bit better this year.


reggietate January 1 2014, 22:45:23 UTC
I had a late surge in November and December, too, so know how you feel. I was looking at about 60-70 thousand until then. Better than my last year total, but still not as good as I'd hoped for - and then suddenly I seemed to pick up speed and my total count leapt up to 96, about 14 or so of that in the last month.

Still can't master this multi-fannish thing, though ;-)

You've done very well considering how you were struggling earlier in the year :-)


deinonychus_1 January 2 2014, 20:46:46 UTC
I'm really not sure what's going on with the whole multi-fannish thing. I never used to be. But now suddenly I'm actively writing for at least two, and reading and commenting in at least three others.

A couple of RL issues really threw me in Feb, and think it took a while to get back into the writing after that. At least it seems to have picked up in the latter half of the year. It sounds like a few of us had a late flourish of writing in the last couple of months. :-)


reggietate January 2 2014, 21:04:17 UTC
It's good that you're doing it, I'd say, it probably helps your creativity to exercise different parts of your fannish brain.

Looking back, I seem to have been a lot more consistent than it felt at the time. But I do want to step up the production of words on a daily basis earlier in the year, just to see if I can get anywhere near beating last year's total. I haven't made a hugely flying start, but at least I having stalled straight away ;-)


deinonychus_1 January 2 2014, 21:12:54 UTC
I think your approach of trying to write something, even if it's only 50 words, every day has a lot going for it, because it keeps the momentum up. Also, it keeps the fic fresh in your mind, so even when you're not actively writing, your subconscious can be working on it and tossing ideas around.

I know I had a lot of times this year when I didn't write anything for days, and then suddenly produced a couple of thousand words over a weekend. If I could get it to be a bit more consistent, not necessarily *every* day, but certainly more frequently and more regular, I think that would improve the word count no end.

In other news, the hurt/comfort bingo is already doing it's job, because my word count for yesterday was 1200 on an Atlantis hurt comfort bingo fic! And I've spotted another square that can be combined with someone's fandom stocking request, if I can just get it written in time! :-)


cordeliadelayne January 2 2014, 00:28:55 UTC
An excellent total!


deinonychus_1 January 2 2014, 20:48:40 UTC
Not as much as I'd hoped for, but better than I'd expected, I think. Hopefully all these shiny new fandoms that I've started playing in might provide lots of bunnies in 2014.


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