Writing and fandom round up for 2013

Jan 01, 2014 13:07

Well, I always knew this year wasn't going to be great word-count wise, but actually the final count was better than I expected.

So, what did I write in 2013?

Primeval (fic and dino of the month) 47,096
Original fiction 2,414
Lewis fic 3,765
Atlantis (fic and episode review) 11,626

Total for 2013 64,901

I think I consciously decided not to set myself 'targets' this year, because it only causes stress and disappointment if I then fail to meet them, but I generally work on the idea that 10k in a month is a good achievement. Unfortunately, in 2013 the only month I achieved that was in December, which was the highest word count of the year with 13,877 (*almost* managed it in April with 9093). September was the worst month, with only 1264 words in the entire month.

Looking back at 2012, I actually wrote almost exactly the same amount of Primeval fic this year as I did last year. The original fiction this year was for two Nottingham Writers' Club competitions, and I placed third in both of them, which was nice. I had decided at the start of last year that I was going to try to enter *all* the Writers' Club competitions in the year, but in the end I only managed those two.

I think it's obvious that the main difference this year is that I've become rather more multi-fandom in my writing and graphics endeavours, diving first into Lewis, and then Atlantis (seriously? 11,626 Atlantis words in *less than three months*??!!). I'm rather expecting a lot more Atlantis fic to happen this year, because in a very short amount of time it seems to have become my shiny new fandom. I've also been reading fic in Merlin, Doctor Who and Whitechapel fandoms, but haven't felt the urge to write for them. Yet. Who knows what the bingo squares might encourage this year? :-)

I might not have managed to get either a bingo, or win any points, but Trope Bingo helped a lot in the second half of the year, and I think it made me write several things that I wouldn't have done otherwise. The amnesty period might be over now, but I still intend to finish as many of the squares as possible over the next few months, not least because I've already got three wips for trope squares, and another two bunnies that haven't been started yet.

In fact, I enjoyed Trope Bingo so much, I've also signed up for Hurt/Comfort Bingo (hc_bingo), in the hope that it might provide an incentive to write more stuff that I wouldn't otherwise think of doing.

Graphics have gone well this year, as well. The Random Graphic of the Month idea didn't really survive beyond the first three or four months of the year, unfortunately, but I did do a lot of wallpapers and stuff for bingo squares and birthdays when the bunnies weren't co-operating.

So, not a great year (ideally I'd like to be hitting 100k in a year), but it wasn't a terrible year either, and I'm not going to get worked up about not doing as well as last year.

And, while I'm here, Happy New Year! :-)

gimp, ramblings, fandom: atlantis, primeval, hurt comfort bingo, fanfic, trope bingo, fandom: lewis

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