I'm Loving Angels Instead (RPF Big Bang: Masterpost)

Oct 08, 2010 14:46

Written for the rpf_big_bang challenge.

Title: I’m Loving Angels Instead
Author name: missy7280
Artist name: richardsfan91
Fandom: Hockey (NHL - Phoenix Coyotes)
Genre: Slash, Het (background)
Pairing: Shane Doan/Ed Jovanovski, Scottie Upshall/Matthew Lombardi
Rating: R
Word count: 15,792
Warnings/Spoilers: Language, adultery, sexual situations, loose interpretation of G-d vs. the Devil (blasphemy?). Spoilers for the 2009-2010 hockey season, in case you weren’t watching it.
Disclaimer: Although based on real people, the following story is fictional and is not meant to represent the actual people portrayed or slander those mentioned in any way. No harm is intended; it's just a story.

Summary: In the world of sports, particularly hockey, there are saints as well as sinners. Those who remain faithful and those who stray from the path. Having power equal to that of a god and running a hockey team at the same time is a difficult task, one that Shane Doan knows far too well. He’s determined to make it work, until the devil he knows personally starts to mess with the balance of things. A struggle between saving and destroying a soul commences. Only then does Shane begin to question, what is the price of becoming an angel? (Semi-AU)

LINK TO FIC: Part I | Part II | Part III

LINK TO ART: Art here!
Link to mix: Here!

Notes/Dedication: First and foremost, thank you to the RPF Big Bang mods for making this challenge possible. It was my first time doing a big bang and they just made everything run so smoothly and easily. A huge thank you to my beta, froia_arme, for looking this over and getting it back to me so quickly while fixing all my silly mistakes. Thank you! You rock :). Thanks to my friend Melissa (richardsfan91) for volunteering to be my artist - and doing a really wonderful job! As always, thank you to my muse and friend Holly (xcacophony) for inspiring this fic. Without her ideas and encouragement, this story would not exist.

challenge: rpf big bang, team: phoenix coyotes

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