Checkmate (Happy Hockey Days fic!)

Jan 06, 2010 22:03

Title: Checkmate
Author: missy7280
Team: Washington Capitals (mostly)
Characters: Alex Ovechkin/Alex Semin, Ilya Kovalchuk, and a surprise guest
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,777
Summary: Alex wants Sasha all for himself. Includes smut, what I hope is humor, and the tiniest glimmer of cross-dressing. I tried.
Notes: Happy Hockey Days fic for goingvogue! Dialogue is supposed to go back and forth between Russian and English. Unless specified that a character is speaking in English or they have horrible grammar, just assume they are talking in Russian. I apologize if the timeline of the fic is a little shaky, but there's smut so just enjoy it. :)

“Why does this seem like a very bad idea?”

“I thought you liked him. I would have thought you’d be all over this.”

Alex stared at the man across from him who sat nonchalantly, with his legs spread apart, head tilted to the side. He wanted to shout I only like you in that way, but didn’t dare. If his teammate wasn’t getting it by now, then he just would never get it, and the last thing Alex wanted to do was scare him away. They had fallen into a routine together over the past few months. Sleep together, but never speak of any feelings. Steal a kiss in the locker room when they both hoped nobody was looking, just for the passing thrill of it. Sasha slept around (boys, girls, Mike Green…you name it), and Alex pretended that he did too. It wasn’t that far-fetched of a façade, he did indeed used to be a slut. But meeting Sasha had changed all that, it really had. For the most part.

“So Ilya, the Ilya Kovalchuk, just walked up to you and asked you to sleep with him tonight?”

“Yeah, weird huh? But what can I say, I’m a hot commodity.” And then Sasha winked. Oh Jesus, this was bad. “But don’t worry,” Sasha continued. “I made sure that you were invited as well.” He apparently mistook Alex’s look of jealousy for one of just wanting to get laid, too.

“I’ve never thought of him in that way before,” Alex said. And it was the truth. He and Kovy were friends, yes, pretty good friends even. But lovers? Now that he knew that Kovy was willing, he had to admit the idea sounded intriguing.

“When did he say he wanted us over there?”

“He didn’t give me a time. Just said to come to his place tonight and gave me the address. He spoke in English though, so I could have been confused…”

“You mean you don’t even know for sure what he meant?” Alex gripped the side of his chair and bit his tongue. I’m in love with this idiot? He couldn’t help thinking of the ramifications of undressing for a very straight, very not-interested Kovalchuk.

“I not stupid, you know,” Sasha insisted. “I think I speak English real good now, everyone tell me so,” he said in English, just to try to prove his miserable point.

Alex raised an eyebrow. “Everyone lie,” he retorted. Sasha stuck his tongue out at him. “Real mature, Sasha.” He just smiled in response, and Alex wanted to wipe that smirk right off his face. “I can think of much more useful things you can do with that tongue.” Sasha looked down as the mood suddenly turned serious. Or as serious as it ever got between them, anyway.

“Why don’t you give me a little preview for tonight, eh?” Alex asked, somehow managing to make it sound much more like a command, while channeling every Canadian teammate he ever played with. Those damn demanding Canadians.

Sasha shrugged and the next second he was between Alex’s legs. Alex wasn’t even sure how he got there, but he wasn’t about to complain. Finally Sasha could show off the value of his skills. The entire Caps nation knew he hadn’t been doing so on the ice, but Ovie knew very well what he could do behind closed doors. That mouth of his, once he stopped attempting English, was actually quite magical.

“Did anyone ever tell you, you have a mouth like a Hoover?” Alex suddenly asked. His brain was currently in his pants, understandably making it even more slow than usual.

“What this... Hoover… you speak of?” He asked in broken English, between alternating licking and sucking.

“I have no idea. Heard some guys say it to me back in Junior. I just liked the sound of it.”

“Is it a good thing?”

“I’d s-say so. Uh… y-yes.”

Sasha smiled around his cock. A feat not easily done, but with Sasha’s big mouth it was easier for him than most. Then he gripped the base, fingertips just brushing Ovie’s balls as he took him in particularly deep. Alex groaned as he pulled on the other man’s hair, holding him in that position until Sasha began to gag and Alex reluctantly let go. “You didn’t need to stop,” Sasha said while he looked quizzically at the man above him. “I like it rough,” he continued, with a distinctive mischievous glint in his eye.

Alex didn’t respond, but instead let his hands do all the talking. He forced the other man down onto his cock, moving his hips upwards in an increasingly frantic pace so he could fuck his teammate’s mouth. Sasha moaned, but Alex kept going this time, too lost in the sensation to stop even if he wanted to. It did not matter much, as he came moments after, closing his eyes and almost, almost seeing stars. His hips slowed down of their own accord until the tremors finally ebbed, but Sasha was relentless in his quest to lick up every last drop. Ovie wanted to smile, but even his facial muscles seemed too relaxed at the moment to do so. He patted Sasha’s head as an alternative, the only mode of thanks he was capable of at the moment as all forms of speech escaped him. Sasha began nuzzling his hand.

He opened his eyes to the sight of a grinning Sasha on his knees, smiling up at him with now very moist lips. “We go to Kovalchuk’s now?” he asked, switching back to English almost unknowingly. “I like to do that again.”

Alex just looked at him in wonder. No really, why am I in love with this slut. Surely I could find a guy who only wants to suck my dick.

“Sure, yeah, we can go,” he said, never the one to deny the man anything. Sasha’s eyes lit up like a kid making his first foray into a candy store. He jumped up and was already at the hotel door before turning around to look back at Ovie, realizing that the man was still sitting in the chair.

“Well come on. Zip your pants up so we can go, unless you want to walk around the hall like that.” And then he giggled. Fucking giggled. “Hopefully I got this address right…”

Alex rolled his eyes, then proceeded to stand and zip up his pants like Sasha had instructed. He followed him out the door like the puppy dog he was, just hoping Sasha knew where the fuck he was going and that he wouldn’t lead them to Sidney Crosby’s room instead. Knowing Sasha like he did, it was entirely possible he could make that mistake.


It was not Sid the Kid that greeted them when they got to Kovy’s place, but something much, much worse. Actually, probably the only thing worse in the whole world than seeing Crosby was what was lying right in front of the Alex’s. A very naked Evgeni Malkin, wearing a pink boa, splayed out in front of a television displaying gratuitous porn, stroking himself while staring mesmerized at the screen. “What took you so long?” he asked dazedly in Russian, not even sparing the newcomers a glance. He didn’t expect anyone else but Kovalchuk to walk through the door.

“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Ovechkin exploded. This is not happening. This is not happening. This is a bad, horrible nightmare. I’m going to wake up any second now. Please? But he didn’t wake up. It was all too real. What the fuck is Malkin doing in Atlanta, anyway? Before he could give this another thought, he was distracted by the sight of Malkin jumping seemingly three feet in the air, as he gave an incredibly loud yelp of surprise. Alex couldn’t blame him; he wanted to scream himself. In agony.

“W-what..Alex..’s?” Geno stumbled over his words as he scrambled to try to cover himself up with the boa, not having much success.

“Mother of God, put some clothes on please,” Alex said, using his hand to shield his eyes from the sight in front of him. Sasha remained silent beside him, a look of puzzlement on his face. He was much less angry than Alex, more confused than anything. His wondered Is this not Kovalchuck’s place? without sparring a thought to why Geno sat in this house in Atlanta, jerking off in nothing else than a woman’s boa.

Geno just nodded as he grabbed his clothes that were lying on the floor and ran into what Alex assumed was a bedroom. Where he should have been doing his… thing in the first place. Wait, no, he should be 500 miles north in Pittsburgh, giving his gay dress-up show to Crosby, not us. Jesus.

Sasha turned to look at Alex for the first time since walking in the door. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“Fuck if I know!” Alex shouted. “You’re the one who brought me here. How do I know you didn’t have this planned from the beginning for whatever sick, twisted reason?”

Sasha shrugged. “Kovalchuk invited me here. He didn’t mention anything about Malkin or anyone else joining us.”

“Oh, so it just slipped his mind?” Alex asked skeptically. He knew that even if Sasha had been telling the truth the entire time, somehow this was still all his fault.

“Maybe,” he agreed, as if that explanation made any sense.

Alex ignored him. He expected Malkin would just stay in “his” room so they could make their escape, but before that was possible the other Russian poked his head out and then emerged to face them fully clothed.

“What are you doing here?” Alex and Geno asked at the same time, one in Russian and the other in English. It was a garbled mess.

“You first,” Alex insisted, giving the other man a glare that brokered no argument.

“I wait for Kovalchuk. He live here. I was… bored waiting for him.”

“What is the boa for?” Alex asked, letting a slight chuckle escape him. Now that the anger had ebbed a bit, he started to realize the amusement of the situation. Oh, this is good. Imagine the blackmail opportunities.

“Kovy like it on me,” Malkin replied with an indignant huff. “He tell me it turns him on.”

Alex gave a full-bodied laugh now. “He what?! Oh wow, if that’s true then Kovy is more fucked up in the head than I ever knew.”
Geno glared and clenched his fists, advancing toward Alex as if preparing to knock the other man down, but was stopped suddenly in his tracks. Alex and Sasha turned around to see Kovalchuk walking through the front door.

“What are you two doing here already?” he asked in almost perfect sounding English. He gave a pointed look to Sasha but otherwise remained completely composed, as if he wasn’t really that surprised. “I told you to come by in the morning before your team left.”

“Ow!” Sasha exclaimed as Alex hit him on the back of the head. “Why’d you do that?”

“You idiot,” is all Alex answered.

“Well, you are all here now,” Kovalchuk continued. “May as well take advantage.”

“I am not sleeping with him,” Alex replied emphatically, pointing at Malkin in a rude gesture.

“You don’t have to. You watch.”

“What if I don’t want to?” Alex asked, sounding like an impertinent kid talking back to his mother.

“Well since you basically broke into my house, you play by my rules now,” Kovalchuk said. “Otherwise I tell your whole team about you and Sasha.”

“Fuck me,” Alex said.

“We will get to that later, I’m sure.”

Then he started walking towards the same room that Geno had come out of minutes before, and the Alex’s had no choice but to follow.


So this is how things came to be, with Kovalchuk fucking Geno while Sasha sucked on the bottom’s dick, Alex “the great” Ovechkin watching from a few feet away. He thought he would be looking away in disgust, but instead he stared unblinking as his hand began drifting lower to stroke himself, almost as if it had a mind of its own. He didn’t have any other excuse besides simply being of the male gender. Threesomes were hot, what else could he say. Just ignore the fact that he was watching his best friend, the object of all his desire, and the man he despised more than words were capable of expressing, go at it like bunnies.

Geno came all too soon (damn that boy is like an overly-horny teenager), and apparently Kovy joined him soon after, as he pulled out and immediately fell back on the bed, a relaxed and sated look on his face. Sasha turned to look at Alex and grinned. “Come here.”

Alex crawled into what narrow space was left on the bed. Even a king size mattress was not normally made to fit four full-grown men. Sasha pushed Alex’s shoulders so that he was lying down on his back, wasting no time in preparing the other man’s entrance with generous amounts of lube. Apparently Kovalchuk kept enough on hand to satisfy a whole hockey team.

Geno looked on in morbid curiosity while Kovy watched with a smile on his face. Alex wanted to ask what the hell are you grinning at? but then gasped as Sasha reached a particularly sensitive spot inside him. All thought and coherent speech was soon lost as Sasha entered him in one fell swoop. Alex ignored the voyeurs and was able to let himself go while Sasha fucked him into the mattress. They didn’t kiss. Although Alex desperately wanted to stick his tongue in the man’s mouth, that would have appeared too intimate. The unwritten rule of hockey: it is ok to fuck your teammates, just as long as you’re not too gay about it.

Alex came first this time, embarrassingly too soon if he thought about it. Sasha didn’t seem to mind though; he just continued to move in and out, alternating fast and slow, digging his fingernails into Alex’s shoulder blades as he slid in a particularly deep thrust. Alex swallowed, his Adam’s apple moving up and back down. One, two, three more thrusts and Sasha was coming inside him, the sensation one that Alex could never quite get used to, yet he enjoyed it all the same.

Sasha leaned down and kissed him, pulling away after a brief touch of lips. It wasn’t anywhere close to making out, but Alex knew it must have meant something. It had to.

“That was hot,” Geno said. Alex turned to look at the man he very nearly forgot was still in the room. Geno was practically salivating, with the same dazed look in his eye he had earlier while watching porn.

Alex actually laughed. Maybe the annoying kid wasn’t as bad as he originally thought.


Kovalchuk woke up alone in his bed the next morning, completely relaxed and refreshed. After a quick washing up once they finished having sex the day before, Alex and Sasha had scrambled to leave the house. They were late joining their team for practice at the arena where they would be playing the Thrashers that night. Kovalchuk had to leave soon after, showing Geno out the door on his way out.

“Thanks for coming,” he had said to Geno. “Sorry if it was a little uncomfortable. I didn’t think you would all show up at the same time, honestly.”

“S’ok..” Geno quietly answered. “I… had a good time.”

Kovalchuk smiled. “I’m happy to hear that. Now go so you can prepare for us to kick your asses tomorrow.”

Geno laughed. “Yeah, like that is going to happen.”

He was most likely right, but Kovalchuk was not about to admit that.

Now that it was the morning after, Kovy was able to reflect on all that he had accomplished in the past 24 hours. He was able to distract Alex and Sasha from hockey enough that the Caps had actually played a horrible game, allowing his team to win. Check one. He had seemingly brought Alex and Sasha closer together, enough so that maybe Sasha now realized it truly was only Alex that he wanted, instead of sleeping around. Check two. And finally, his plan to have both Alex’s and Malkin show up for sex at the same time had worked perfectly, and Alex got to see that Geno was alright. Maybe now the Russian team could be a real contender for gold, instead of having to deal with all the internal squabbling. Kovalchuk smiled to himself.


challenge: happy hockeydays, player: alex semin, team: atlanta thrashers, team: washington capitals, player: alex ovechkin, player: ilya kovalchuk, genre: humor

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