Watched it yesterday with two friends. Before watching, I thought I'd 'revise' a bit by reading parts of book 6.(Yes, I know, what a good way of revising >_>) Found that I forgot lots of details and terms. Aww.
Er...slight spoilers for the movie? )
Comments 4
Though I know I'll be disappointed on that part, I'm still interested to watch ^_^ Hopefully . . soon x_x
But JK herself states that 'someone whom everybody thought was dead will come back again in the last book'.
she said that? o___o;; i hope its' sirius then *___*
i pre-ordered it 8DD but it's unlikely it's going to be over 200 tho @__@ my preorder price wasn't that high DD:
The price is $288...I have no idea why the pre-order price and the actual price have so much of a difference.
what the... and i saw the preorder prices were falling too O___O;;
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