Watched it yesterday with two friends. Before watching, I thought I'd 'revise' a bit by reading parts of book 6.(Yes, I know, what a good way of revising >_>) Found that I forgot lots of details and terms. Aww. was a lot better than HP4, which disappointed me so much that I considered not watching this one. I was still not satisfied with the amount they cut off. For example, Fred and George's swamp. Like the interview with...who was that again? Rita Skeetar or something? <---is coming from someone who messed Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Figg up. And there's no quidditch at all. Not that I mind, but...and there's too less Umbridge-trouble. Seriously, the show needs more Fred and George. They are the true heroes of the series who will overthrow the Dark Lord with their fire crackers and puking candies. Just you wait and see.
The effects during the fight between the Death Eaters and the Order members were awesome. I love how they used black and white smoke respectively for those two groups, as impossible as that might sound, it LOOKS nice. But there's one little teeny detail I find weird - Sirius was dueling with Lucius before his death in the movie, IIRC, but in the book he was dueling and teasing with Bellatrix. And was seen ducking Bellatrix's 'jet of red light' but 'the second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest'. Now the author never stated what color the second one was, but I could say that the first one wasn't a killing curse, since red light usually applies to stunning spells and the such. Yet in the movie, after knocking Lucius back, Bellatrix popped out from nowhere and said Avada Kedavra and hit Sirius.
Well...I personally wouldn't mind this detail too much if he really is dead once and for all. But JK herself states that 'someone whom everybody thought was dead will come back again in the last book'. Could she be referring to Sirius since no one is sure that he's actually dead? If she is, then how are the movie-makers going to get themselves out of this one?
Let's see...only 9 days till release. Anyone pre-ordered? I didn't.;_; And now I probably have to pay 200+ dollars for it.>:EEEEEEEEEEEEEE WTF is up with the price? Even the fifth book was not over 200.
On WW: I'm starting to get annoyed with the Hero of Time for the first time in my life.XDD
King of Red Lions: "And oh yeah, have you heard of the legend about yourself of the Hero of Time? It's said that when you he left Hyrule, you somehow brain-pooped and scattered he scattered his Triforce which is actually yours into 8 pieces, sleeping somewhere in the sea. And now, Link, YOU HAVE TO FIND YOUR OWN TRIFORCE!!1!!! you need those eight pieces in order to open the door to Hyrule."
That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. And to add to that - to find a Triforce MAP, and not the actual piece, you go to a room where you fight 5 rooms worth of enemies, and out of all people, it's TINGLE who decodes your map. I mean, he draws his own map with freaking CRAYON that looks like a pre-school's scribble, how is he supposed to decode it? And to add to that, a FREAKING 398 for my first piece.Not to mention the 201 for the Triforce Map Map, and no, that was not a typo. Give me a break. The Fishmen are a lot more lovable.
On a more serious note, I doubt the whole "Hero of Time scattered his Triforce and waits for anotoher hero worthy enough for it to recalim it" was actual fact. It's probably an accident that was passed down and eventually turned into this romantic legend. Since, um, I doubt Link had the brain cells at that time to think about the Triforce. Not that I'm saying he's stupid, but normally people won't think about such things when you've just defeated the great king of evil and the princess suddenly asks you to return to your own time and regain your lost years.
I, for one, won't think about my Triforce of Procrastination if I'm in a situation like that. Still, one of the most confusing part of OoT is, why would Zelda ask Link to return to the past when he just defeated Ganondorf? Ganondorf will take over in the 'past' anyway. Unless Zelda thought that Link would seal the door to the Sacred Realm and tell Zelda in the past to kill him or something. But then again, each time he strikes the Master Sword into its pedestral, it takes him back BEFORE Ganondorf invaded Hyrule, judging from the Market, couldn't he just take the former action at that time and prevent the future where Ganondorf gets the Triforce of Power enntirely? And if that action proved to be fruitless, Zelda, as the sage of Wisdom in the future would probably know of it, then why would she still send him back? Unless the whole 'regaining your childhood' thing took over her.>_> Confused.