First Drabble - SPN - Send in the Clowns

Feb 26, 2012 17:16

Title:  Send in the Clowns
Characters:  Sam, Dean, Gabriel
Genre:  Gen
Rating:  PG
Word Count:  PG
Spoilers:  For 7.14
Disclaimer:  I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters.  They all belong to Eric Kripke and the CW.
Summary:  Drabble about Gabriel

clown vs clown )

supernatural, sam, dean, gen, gabriel

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Comments 3

a_phoenixdragon February 27 2012, 07:54:17 UTC
This is awesome!! First drabble? You gots it goin' good, bb!! I like the idea of that little fucker still being around, too!!

*Squishes this fic close*

*Cuddles you with joy!*


deeremet February 28 2012, 01:51:41 UTC
Awww thanks so much! You know I never would have posted without your wonderful words of encouragement. Seriously, thank you for having faith in me. I doubt that I will do it again, but that is another thing off my bucket list!

Now I can't wait to delve into my the little goodie you left me! Ah yes, I shall be busy tonight! Thanks for brightening up my day, sweetie. You're the best!


a_phoenixdragon February 28 2012, 02:00:12 UTC
You've got the words, the voice within you. You just have to find it and play with it some, bb. Though I can understand if you are afraid to explore it. Though i must say, your comments just FLOW with that Voice you carry. You make me squee and laugh and feel with you and that is one of the best treats about posting fic! If you need to write again, if you ever feel that urge, please follow it. Let your Muse pull you along and get lost. You'd be amazed how freeing it is!

Hope you enjoy! Sent a snippet just now of my SPNDW BB. Tis a memory from when they first met the Doctor. Hope it is enjoyable!! The other email has a smattering of everything - even (GASP) HET omg!! LOL! But I hope it is a fun read for all that, even though they are just teasers. I certainly hope it makes your day end on a good note!



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