Title: Send in the Clowns
Characters: Sam, Dean, Gabriel
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: PG
Spoilers: For 7.14
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters. They all belong to Eric Kripke and the CW.
Summary: Drabble about Gabriel
Sam called first shower. Dean laughed at the glitter and makeup Sam was desperate to wash himself of. Dean unpacked the car and retrieved his giant slinky. Back in the room, he opened the slinky, and the first thing he noticed was a feather. Then he saw a note which read "Seeing Sam's ass handed to him by clowns? Priceless. Thought I'd put two clowns up against real clowns. Who knew the real clowns would win?" Only Gabriel could come up with a case so outlandish, and Dean couldn't help but smile at the fact that Gabriel was still around.