You're Still My Queen-Chapter Fourteen

May 12, 2008 02:44

Title: You're Still My Queen
Rating: PG-NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened.
Summary: Ville knew Bam loved him. The roses proved it.

I scanned the glass case with the all the jewelry in it. I had to look carefully. The glass was smeared from a hundred careless fingers, points and gesturing. I crossed my arms and frowned, hoping that what I would need would be there.
“Can I help you?” asked a creaky voice. I jumped and looked to my left. There was a small, hunched over old man with hair like dandelion fluff and glasses just as smudged as the display case.
“Um, well, maybe…” I trailed off. I didn’t really want to have to ask him to do something for me. It seemed just rude to make someone so old be doing things. In fact, I wanted to ask him if he needed me to reach any tall shelves for him or anything like that.
“What is it that you’re looking for?” he queried, pressing the tips of his fingers together.
“A lachrymatory.” I said promptly. The old man looked taken aback.
“We don’t get requests for those too often, especially from young men.” He blinked several times. I just looked at him coolly. Without another word, he turned and shuffled towards the back of the shop. I didn’t know whether or not I should follow him, so I stayed put.
I couldn’t help but notice he was wearing red bedroom slippers. I bought my father a pair of them for Christmas this past year, and seeing them in use made me smile. Even though the man wasn’t my father, it was easy for me to imagine him wearing his.
I waited in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, shifting my weight from foot to foot, knowing that I looked like a fifteen year old, after something at the store for his mother.
After what felt like a million years, he came back, cradling something in his hand. I held my breath as he held it out to me. It was a small glass vial in what looked to be an intricate metal holder. The whole thing had a look at the top, and a chain was drawn through the loop.
I smiled and cradled it gently in both my palms. It was perfect, just the thing I had been looking for.
“How much?” I asked, not even willing to make a bargain. I had to have this, no matter what the price. He named something, higher than what was fair, but lower than what I could not afford. Silently, I forked over the cash.
“Young man, I do bargain.” He blinked at me again from behind the cloudy lenses. I only shook my head and asked that he wrap up my trinket, that it was a gift for someone else.
He trembled slightly as he put the thing in a small white box on a bed of cotton batting. He taped it shut then and asked me what color wrapping paper I wanted. Purple, of course. Could I pick some other color? Purple, the color of royalty.
I stood silently, patiently now as he trembled and shook white measuring the shining paper, taping the ends with Scotch tape. I knew Bam was going to be so pleased that I couldn’t help but grin openly.
Finally, after another eternity, the present was wrapped with a big purple bow and put in a paper sack. I thanked the man and gently put the package in another bag of clothes where I knew it wouldn’t break.
Now it was time to return to my King.

romance, vam

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