The fact that the kid was not really his son hit me when 'Duncan' said he liked prosciutto. No American (or Canadian) kid I know likes prosciutto and goat cheese, especially on pizza! The fact that they were exactly the things that Wilson liked was like, so, "Wilson, wake up, can't you see this is a House set up?" House is a jerk, and had that backfired on him, he could have alienated Wilson for the last time, but I understand why he did it. he was telling Wilson "Wake up, dummy, and admit to yourself you're not meant for that traditional life you've been hunting for! Admit you want to do me, already!" What is with the dim lighting and lack of music anyway? I almost fell asleep--literally!
I'm not a Taub fan, so I'm afraid I can't agree with you there:)
I liked prosciutto and goat cheese when I was a kid but I was unusually culturally diverse for an American kid. From what I've heard from several sources I'm kind of glad i did not see this epie.
Hi Dee! I watched and wanted to punch House in the face even more than I remembered from my time in the fandom, so I don't think getting back into it for the final run of episode is in the cards for me, I'm afraid...
EDIT: OH MAN, someone in the house_wilson comment section just used the phrase "Byronic anti-hero," that takes me back.
I had the same reaction to the Ford placement. The character sub-plot was annoying. Fighting in hockey is a definite Issue but has nothing to do with bullying, which is what Taub was reacting to. Two separate Issues.
Yeah, I know Taub was reacting to something other than what the patient actually did in hockey, but I just liked the way Peter Jacobson played it. And I liked the patient dealing with his conflicting emotions about having the role he had.
Although with swollen breast tissue and crying, I thought estrogen was going to come up at some point (other than House telling Wilson he was lactating).
Ditto on the Ford placement. But at least we know Wilson still owns the loft; I really like that place, much better than Amber's cramped apartment or *shiver* the hotel.
I liked the kid playing "Duncan." House's comment was true, the boy does look enough like Wilson to be his son.
The cheese "likes" were a dead giveaway to me, too. Too bad the whole episode was really about House tricking Wilson into admitting he's not "Dad" material! Given time, I think he would make a great father. And, you're right, it WAS a mature realization on his part.
But, now, Wilson still doesn't have anyone in his life except the sneaky, limping twerp! Or maybe it's, "Hurray! Wilson still doesn't have anyone in his life except the sneaky, limping twerp!" Hilson forever!
Comments 25
What is with the dim lighting and lack of music anyway? I almost fell asleep--literally!
I'm not a Taub fan, so I'm afraid I can't agree with you there:)
From what I've heard from several sources I'm kind of glad i did not see this epie.
EDIT: OH MAN, someone in the house_wilson comment section just used the phrase "Byronic anti-hero," that takes me back.
The character sub-plot was annoying. Fighting in hockey is a definite Issue but has nothing to do with bullying, which is what Taub was reacting to. Two separate Issues.
Although with swollen breast tissue and crying, I thought estrogen was going to come up at some point (other than House telling Wilson he was lactating).
I liked the kid playing "Duncan." House's comment was true, the boy does look enough like Wilson to be his son.
The cheese "likes" were a dead giveaway to me, too. Too bad the whole episode was really about House tricking Wilson into admitting he's not "Dad" material! Given time, I think he would make a great father. And, you're right, it WAS a mature realization on his part.
But, now, Wilson still doesn't have anyone in his life except the sneaky, limping twerp! Or maybe it's, "Hurray! Wilson still doesn't have anyone in his life except the sneaky, limping twerp!" Hilson forever!
ONLY 6 EPISODES TO GO {; _____ ;}
Given time, I think he would make a great father.
I think he could, and it's sad that House thought this particular set-up was proof otherwise.
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