I suddenly feel numb.. like I just don't give a shit about anything anymore.
to top it off: customer: can I have a couple sugar. me: *gives a couple sugar* customer: more.. me: *gives another 2* customer: do you not know what a couple sugar is? me: do YOU not know what a couple sugar is! MIND YOU, A COUPLE IS TWO.
It was for play, I didn't think I'd fall for you.. and now, I can't even stop thinking about you even if I wanted to. Certain circumstances prevented me from speaking out, and now that I've lost both ways, I regret not saying anything at all. Maybe we had a chance, but now only doubt remains. You'll just never know.
as hard as you try to cut me out of her life, as many pictures as you have her burn, there will still be mental images that you have no access to, and memories that are beyond your reach.
forcing someone to forget someone they love, is like trying to get them to remember someone they never knew.