Dear Zack... [[Drabble]]

Jun 28, 2010 23:52

Title: Dear Zack... [[Drabble]]
Author: dee_jaydj
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Alex gaskarth
POV: Third (Jack-centric)
Summary: Zack's in the army. Alex writes him letters.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low, nor do I know/own any of it's members.
Author Notes:: Uhm. XD See last post. lemme know if you have fic ideas! And, uh, yeah. Really short, really kindacrappy ficlet. >.<

Dear Zack,

I think about you all the time, you know. I miss seeing you around the house. But your last letter made me smile. I’m glad you’re not having too terrible of a time over there. We all miss you. Just a couple more months, right?

Everything’s been going well here. I got a new dog, he’s the cutest thing ever, but Jack almost threw him out the window while he was drunk. He seems to have a lot less sense when you’re not around. We all do, ‘cept Rian, because he’s like… not me and Jack.

I miss you a lot. The stupid government can’t keep us apart for too long.

Love you!!!



Dear Zack,

I saw you on the TV! It wasn’t for very long, but you were on the news! You look so much different, but you’re the same person I love, so much. You look good in that uniform, by the way. Haha.

We’re all freaking out over here. Just one more month! Then you’re gonna be home, and we’ll all be back together again! Jack thinks you’re gonna come back covered in shitty tattoos and battle scars. I don’t believe him, but even if that is true, you’ll still be beautiful. I know it.

I hope you’re thinking about me as much as I think about you.

Love you, forever & always,



Dear Zack,

They sent my last letter back with your dog tags. Two days before you were supposed to come home. So close, almost there, right?

They said they couldn’t find your body. We had a memorial. I wonder what you thought about before it happened. Did you think about me? Did it hurt? Is it going to hurt when I follow you?

Jack says I’ll get over it. I won’t. But I’ll be with you again soon, I promise.

I love you with all my heart,



Dear Jack & Rian & Mom & Dad,

I’m sorry.

I’ll miss you.


author: dee_jaydj, drabble, rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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