Just the Apocalypse

Jul 01, 2010 18:58

“Just the Apocalypse”

By December21st

Fandom: Fringe

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: None

Warnings: Attempt at humor. General spoilers for seasons 1 and 2. Reference to blood and gore. Mild swearing. Possibly Crack!Fic (I’m a little vague on the definition.)

Summary: The apocalypse doesn’t really live up to its reputation. Surprise crossover.

Here There Be Fanfic )

fic genres: apocafics, fic genres: crossovers, fanfic: fringe

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Comments 18

sugangel7 July 2 2010, 02:35:05 UTC
Ha! I love your rambling Walter. :)

Some favorite parts:
(Technically, it was the FBI who found him, but Walter had gotten into the habit of personally crediting Olivia with anything the FBI did.)

but it felt good to blame Massive Dynamic for everything just on general principle.

And I like the mention of C.S. Lewis and The Screwtape Letters!

Quite amusing. Thanks for sharing! :)


december21st July 2 2010, 03:38:00 UTC
Thank you! I appreciate it.


amentina202 July 2 2010, 02:41:42 UTC
BAHHHHHH! Random crossovers! Calvin and Hobbes!!! CRACK GALORE! I can't pretend I know a lot about the comic, and I'm sure I missed half of your references, but this was fantastically written and enjoyable nonetheless. I especially loved #1 of Walter's theories. Brilliance.


december21st July 2 2010, 03:42:44 UTC
Thanks! I love your enthusiasm. I'm not sure you missed as much as you think you did.


lunawho July 2 2010, 05:16:59 UTC
Oh this was brilliant. It's not often that you find really amazing general fics for Fringe.

I love anything dealing with zombies. ;) My favourite part of Fringe is the gore.

Interesting to note is that Wormwood was also the name of a comet that falls from the sky and poisons the water in the book of Revelations...and the name of the bad guy in the first episode of Sarah-Jane Adventures. (Don't ask why my brain goes on these random trips).

Seriously. Brilliant. Makes me want to watch all my zombie films and re-read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.


december21st July 3 2010, 01:56:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

"Interesting to note is that Wormwood was ..."
My brain had this name filed away under "generic witchy/demonic name" (and I have seen the SJA episode, but had forgotten that use of the name) but I read that this particular Miss. Wormwood was actually named after the C.S.Lewis protagonist (antagonist?) so I decided to throw that pop(?) culture reference in there with everything else.


spaciireth July 2 2010, 09:19:42 UTC
That was totally awesome. I loved the theories, and the results of the interviews. And Astrid's obligatory "Oh, my!" (which I added in myself before I read the bit about Astrid adding it, hehe).


december21st July 3 2010, 01:58:08 UTC
Thanks! "Totally awesome" is quite the compliment!


lone_pyramid July 2 2010, 18:40:35 UTC

The theories are hilarious, and there are so many great lines:

After Walter was done with her heart, she did indicate an interest in the proceedings and offered her opinion about the next one of her organs that Walter should examine.

(Technically, it was the FBI who found him, but Walter had gotten into the habit of personally crediting Olivia with anything the FBI did.)

...but it felt good to blame Massive Dynamic for everything just on general principle.

are among my favourite. :D And that after a while, everyone's just, "Meh. Zombies." is awesome.


december21st July 3 2010, 02:00:09 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you appreciated my somewhat odd attempt at humor. Really, with humor, I'm never quite sure if it will work or fall flat on its face, so it's good to know that (for at least a few people) it worked.


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