A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Warnings: Disturbing imagery.
Summary: The horseman rides again ... or does he? Response to
supernatural100 challenge #100 any previous challenge, repeating challenge #45 Halloween.
Author’s Note: This is my 100th drabble written for “Supernatural”! I look back on 100 drabbles in my journal
The night before Halloween, Pickering's Pumpkin Patch teemed with families picking pumpkins.
Three days ago, someone wearing a plastic pumpkin head from the gift shop nearly decapitated Pete Pickering. Close enough to Washington Irving territory to intrigue Sam.
Dean left Sam interviewing a local schoolteacher while he searched the farm. He was drawn to sounds coming from a large compost bin behind the barn.
One look inside turned his stomach. It wasn't the sinister pumpkin-like creatures foraging through the compost, but the refuse itself. It seemed that plenty of people had left here with pumpkin heads. Instead of their own.