So, yesterday's rant got it out of my system - rather like popping a big pus-filled pimple. Much better out than in. My apologies to anyone who was horrendously offended. Is it hypocrital of me to lose it in a scatter-shot fashion in writing, rather than talking quietly with the people in question? Probably. Sorry. But talking one-on-one hadn
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Comments 16
Oh - I am about to start World War Z today :)
I get the impression that, out of context, you may have hit a few nerves.
I also get the impression that a bit more from the poster about where their thoughts about your rant right out of the gate might have headed most of that off.
I have recently had a poigniant lesson on how much context is removed by communicating in Computerland. Similarly just how important that context is. Reading those responses from the polypeople has really emphasized that for me.
Thank you for sharing, it has been enlightening.
You weren't all defensive and rather politely explained the context in which your post was written. You are so very and incredibly awesome it blows my mind :)
And really thank you for thinking I'm awesome! *blushes*
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It must be challenging being in an environment where straightforwardness isn't a frequent option. Does that mean you feel like Anya a lot of the time?
Buffy wasn't really Rob's thing (!), but when Anyas character was introduced, he started watching it with me!! I always loved the way she just came out and said what was on her mind, even when it wasn't perhaps appropriate ..... :)
"The problem with communication is the illusion that it has occurred."
- George Bernard Shaw
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