Season 7, I sort of love you.

Oct 21, 2011 19:27

Because I think I do. I kind of want to marry you. It's like falling for your high school sweetheart all over again. And it's not just one specific thing, it's all the little pieces and how they are all fitting into the Sam & Dean show that sucked me in from that very first DVD.

Season 7 spoilers ahead....

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Comments 38

ficwriter1966 October 22 2011, 02:33:11 UTC
Nope, it's not just you! I hadn't gotten down to the point of going "Oh! The whole 'marriage' thing!" just yet, but you're absolutely right. The parallels are definitely there.

It was much lighter in tone than I was anticipating, but a little light, sugary dessert is good! Lots of fun moments - and even more for anyone who's seen the Crack!World version of Sweaty Sam.


debbiel66 October 22 2011, 02:34:56 UTC
It was fun. Nice. And I loved how they're working as a team together again. When I think about how it was awesome just to have them sharing the same car in season 5, they've already come so far. This feels very much earned.


kassidy62 October 22 2011, 02:36:15 UTC
I didn't watch Buffy at all when it was on, and I thought this episode looked like schlock in the previews. Instead it was wonderful. Cute boys with relationship problems, disgusting things (I had to look away a few times - I have a HUGE EYE PHOBIA, ugh) and it was FUNNY (and sad). I loved it. I didn't like the last episode much and I was so pleasantly surprised tonight:)


debbiel66 October 22 2011, 02:40:40 UTC
My expectations were so seriously low for this one. I'm going to be out of town next weekend and was kind of hoping that would be when this one aired so I didn't feel like I was missing out.

But I love all the little scenes....I'm definitely going to re-watch for that - but with remote control firmly in hand. Reminded me of the garbage disposer all over again!


kassidy62 October 22 2011, 03:23:20 UTC
THE HAND IN THE BLENDER. That's all I'm sayin'.


debbiel66 October 22 2011, 04:23:54 UTC
So many memories.... ;)


tifaching October 22 2011, 02:39:07 UTC
Oh, yeah. When the boys were doing their couples counciling bit, the anvils were definitely falling. But it was awesome all the same.

LOL, I too hid my eyes repeatedly in this episode. Ewwww, in a fantastic kind of way!


debbiel66 October 22 2011, 02:41:36 UTC
I'm okay with anvils. I mean, Lucifer and Michael were like the biggest anvils ever, right? :)


de_nugis October 22 2011, 02:42:01 UTC
I am okay with this sort of tension between the guys. It's not the kind of "I really seriously may very well kill you" type of tension, but instead it's the "sometimes, I want to kill you" type that really is kind of what spending your life with someone is all about.

Yes, this. I mean, it's absurd to say that Sam and Dean are in a good place when one is suicidally depressed and the other has breaks with reality and there are secrets between them, and yet they are totally solid. It's like the epic love story of Sam and Dean is ultimately a comedy, not in the funny ha ha sense, but in the older sense. If only with each other, even if their world goes up in flames, they'll come back to each other and be all right with each other.


debbiel66 October 22 2011, 02:44:50 UTC
I KNOW! When Sam asked (something like), "But we're good, right?" and Dean answered that yeah - they were good - I actually believed them this time.

This is pretty much as good as they've been since, what? That awful Season 3 episode where they sang together in the car for the last time before Dean was disemboweled by hellhounds?

This show, this show - it makes me write this sort of thing.


de_nugis October 22 2011, 02:49:08 UTC
It's almost better than some of the high points like 5.18, because there is some concealment and potential for pain and a lot of worry in there. To get to the point where you can have that stuff and NOT have it likely to blow you apart, that's something. Sometimes solid points are better than high points.


debbiel66 October 22 2011, 02:51:39 UTC
I've said this before but I can handle anything on this show as long as it's clear that the boys aren't breaking up. That makes me too tense to even really appreciate the high points, like 5X18.

I'm really not like this AT ALL with any other show. It's just this one.


mimblexwimble October 22 2011, 04:24:26 UTC
This is a much more eloquent version of the word-vomit I just posted, haha!

And yeah, it's a little convenient that they're just dealing with it now, but that's okay. It works for me. Sometimes, it takes a long time to notice what's in front of you, especially when you're in a FRIGGIN MARRIAGE.

Ditto. I'm glad they're dealing with it at all. Also, any marriage parallels relating to Sam and Dean are fine by me. :D


debbiel66 October 22 2011, 04:27:00 UTC
Lol, I was just thinking that yours was more eloquent!

What really amused me about your post is that I wrote almost word for word the same thing about Sam's, "we're okay, right?" thing on de-nugis' post. I believed him. I really did. How long has it been?????


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