Season 7, I sort of love you.

Oct 21, 2011 19:27

Because I think I do. I kind of want to marry you. It's like falling for your high school sweetheart all over again. And it's not just one specific thing, it's all the little pieces and how they are all fitting into the Sam & Dean show that sucked me in from that very first DVD.

Season 7 spoilers ahead....

So this episode was all about marriage, right??? And all the ways that people who love each other more than anyone else in the world sometimes lie and cheat and screw each over, but there is no quitting each other because what would be the point of that? It's soul-mates for real this time.

And I love all the little details... the Impala's rumbly engine, the griping, (the scene that will forever be superimposed over the sweaty Sam scene we DID get), Sam's little disapproving lip pursing thing he does because they're finally dealing with the fact that Dean has been drinking too much for YEARS. And yeah, it's a little convenient that they're just dealing with it now, but that's okay. It works for me. Sometimes, it takes a long time to notice what's in front of you, especially when you're in a FRIGGIN MARRIAGE.

I am okay with this sort of tension between the guys. It's not the kind of "I really seriously may very well kill you" type of tension, but instead it's the "sometimes, I want to kill you" type that really is kind of what spending your life with someone is all about.

Happy sigh.

And also, this episode was so gross I had to look away from almost all the deaths!!! It's like Supernatural in its glory days. It could have helped that my expectations were fairly low for this episode, but I just really enjoyed it.

Is this just me? What did you all think? Am I really just that easy to please???


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