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Comments 28

tdotm December 6 2008, 14:56:31 UTC
- I was fine with the obnoxious twins, because I thought that they were going to get caught out at some point and come out of it better people. Instead they just proved that bullying pays if you tie is red and gold. They did show that even if you're not academic, you can make something of yourself. But they weren't actually stupid, any more than Ron was. They were all just lazy. The Twins just had a back-up plan ( ... )


sistermagpie December 6 2008, 15:35:34 UTC
I admit I was *totally* looking forward to some story with the twins where their greed made them do something bad. And not because I thought they were so terribly greedy they were awful or anything either. I thought they were just understandably tempted by money and good at rationalizing and of course never aware of themselves slipping into arrogance and selfishness. It would be so easy ( ... )


night_axe December 6 2008, 17:06:41 UTC
DH, page 689: "Now, Severus, the sword! Do not forget that it must be taken under conditions of need and valor --"

Iow, the pond wasn't Snape being malicious. The protocol for handing over Gryffindor's sword is to make the receiver pointlessly and stupidly risk his life. Color me surprised.

Snape's Patronus rescuing Harry's sorry ass in a stream of insults would rock so hard. Like a microcosm of the series.


sistermagpie December 6 2008, 20:20:13 UTC
If Snape got to pick the conditions there was probably a little malice in making Harry jump into a lake in the middle of winter. Snape takes his good times where he can get them.


night_axe December 6 2008, 16:49:57 UTC
*Seriously, I really want their money focus to go somewhere. Percy the hard-working clerk is a great distraction from the real ambition in the family.

Look how many people take it for granted that the Hat meant to put Percy in Slytherin because he's, uh, ambitious and, and...disloyal! Yeah! He betrayed his family, so he's bad, so he should've been in Slytherin! Actually, the part of the "betrayal" that was his fault is because he's bordering on Lawful Stupid. That's not a Slytherin trait, still less a Slytherin survival trait.

Whereas Fred and George are cunning, ambitious, cunning and did I mention cunning? When they open their mouths you can see wheels turning. How come no one's demanding to know why they weren't Sorted into Slytherin?

*ETA: Luckily, it being Arthur and Molly--good parents--it's not like they'll demand Dumbledore to explain what he's doing about this. Ron's only got himself to blame. Arthur's told him and told him never to take drinks from men who don't even know his name. And what was he doing eating candy ( ... )


sistermagpie December 6 2008, 20:17:51 UTC
The ambition/cunning Slytherin thing is great. As I'm sure I've said before, the most cunning and most ambitious people are all in Gryffindor. Which is also why no actual ambitious person would want to be in Slytherin! Who would the Twins have gotten to know there that would have helped them at all? Nobody would have gone to their shop. Not that they'd have had a shop because Slytherins seem to look down on that sort of thing or something. It's like at best they're still working on a 17th century idea of ambition where you're born into power and suck up to the right people at court.


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