Prompt about the Hogwarts Houses' colors

Jun 28, 2015 19:36

So, we all know that the colors of Slytherin are green and silver. Green, to my knowledge, is in some circles an unsavory color because it's associated with the sin of envy. And in a way, this does come through from the portrayal of Slytherins in the books--Draco is understood (at least by JKR) to be envious of Harry's fame and success; and the ( Read more... )

meta, author: sweettalkeress, hogwarts houses, allegory and symbolism, questions

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Comments 10

vermouth1991 June 28 2015, 23:41:31 UTC
No fan work from me (escept maybe for "Hannibal" :P) but I could give it a start:

Yellow=Gold=Greed (?)

Blue=Lust=Lust for Knowledge and damn the cost and consequences...?


oryx_leucoryx June 29 2015, 01:46:16 UTC
I doubt Hufflepuffs could have anything to do with greed. IMO the place where the Hufflepuff ethos becomes problematic is misplaced loyalty and potentially othering of an outsider. Also perhaps being too quick to judge apparently unfair behavior without looking into the facts closely enough (that's what Harry experienced in GOF). Which deadly sin covers these behaviors?


attilathepbnun June 29 2015, 01:59:47 UTC
Pride? In their own good judgment?


eviltracey June 29 2015, 03:59:30 UTC
Well, with respect to equating blue with lust: some have said that the brain is the most important sex organ....


elanor_x June 29 2015, 05:25:49 UTC
\\ Hufflepuff yellow, and Ravenclaw blue.

Yellow is sometimes associated with Cowardice, the gravest sin in the Potterverse.

Among negative meanings of Blue is "Cold, Aloof" - Ravenclaws as ruled by logic, not feelings, which is also HP books condemn.


hwyla June 29 2015, 21:24:24 UTC
I have to agree. Not only does yellow fit better with cowardice (for me) than with greed, but it also fits better with Potterverse. Not that we see any actual Hufflepuff cowards, but the way the some folks in canon consider them 'duffers' it seems a closer fit.

And cool blue fits well with the 'ivory tower' attitude.


nx74defiant July 1 2015, 03:08:34 UTC
Hufflepuff are cowards in the view of Gryffindors. When faces with a dangerous situation instead of showing real Gryffindor courage and rushing in head long, a Hufflepuff would get help.

Getting back up and working together may be much more effective and actually get the job done. But the only kind of courage that matters in HP is the reckless bravado of a true Gryffindor.


hwyla June 29 2015, 21:26:24 UTC
I have to agree that JKR seems to equate Slytherin Green with envy. Not just does she seem to imply Draco's problem with Harry is envy, but she had the Remus tell Harry that Snape was envious of James (LIE!)


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