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Comments 7

wolf_willow31 June 14 2015, 02:32:49 UTC
Dumbledore: Foolish boy! There is only one god, and that’s Death!

That's actually a logical conclusion that one could draw from these books. Trying to avoid Death is foolish (the tale of Death's gift of the Deathly Hallows), or even the ultimate sin (in the case of Voldemort). And it is only through his mother's self-sacrifice to Death and by giving himself over to Death, that Harry is able to defeat Voldemort.

Love isn't the only thing that Harry might have that Voldemort knows not - there's also the acceptance of Death, and maybe even the embracing of Death, our "Last Great Adventure". Yuk!


vermouth1991 June 14 2015, 08:17:47 UTC
Reminds me of a recent "Dilbert" strip where the animal-manager (i think it's a cat) told an employee that "Just remember, in case you feel that life is bad: 'At the end if the day... you are going to die.'" The employee said "That's not comforting!" to which the manager replied, "Oh, I just omitted the part where you'll suffer for 90 years first."


wolf_willow31 June 14 2015, 21:34:35 UTC
It's a cat: Catbert.


sweettalkeress June 14 2015, 16:19:06 UTC
IKR? It just seems like such a logical conclusion given everything that happens in this series. Death really is the end-all and be-all.


aikaterini June 15 2015, 01:15:46 UTC
/all I know is that if you kill someone, it damages your soul ( ... )


jana_ch June 19 2015, 09:52:55 UTC
I suspect Molly Weasley’s soul is damaged after she kills Bellatrix. She certainly acts in hatred-understandable hatred, but hatred nonetheless.

On the other hand, I don’t believe Severus’s soul is damaged by killing Dumbledore, because it’s an act of mercy, and he feels remorse even at the moment he does it. Does anyone else in the saga feel remorse at having to kill?


nx74defiant June 27 2015, 03:44:59 UTC
Not that I think Lucius knew what it was. Most likely he just wanted to get rid of a piece of incriminating evidence by giving it to the Weasleys.

There are a lot of easier ways Lucius could have gotten rid of the diary.

What Lucius wanted was to hurt you Dumbledore, and the thing that pushed him to action was the stunt you did at the end of Harry's and Draco's first year.


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