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aikaterini June 15 2015, 01:15:46 UTC
/all I know is that if you kill someone, it damages your soul/

So Molly Weasley’s soul is damaged after she kills Bellatrix?

/to create a Horcrux you use that to your advantage, and encase part of it in something else using a spell./

And we never really do find out what spell it is or how it works. It’s interesting that none of the memories we see from Voldemort in the series ever show him in the process of making a Horcrux. We just see him killing people and that’s it.

/Harry: Oh, so it was! That’s why I could communicate with Tom Rid through it!/

But when Harry finds the cup, the Horcrux doesn’t communicate to him at all. Neither does an illusion of Tom appear when Harry finds the diadem. And, of course, despite containing a Horcurx himself, Harry never hears a voice in his head until Voldemort sends him visions in OotP. For some reason, it only happens with the diary or the locket.

/Dumbledore: That was my first clue that Voldemort had made more than one Horcrux, because he obviously intended it flung in the path of people who could potentially destroy it if they found out its secret, which would render it utterly useless unless he had more in reserve./

Yes, why would Voldemort trust someone like Lucius Malfoy with the diary, a man whom he described as “slippery?”

/I’m sure he was after artifacts from all four Hogwarts founders, but fortunately the sword of Gryffindor remains safe and untainted by his evil./

Of course. *sighs*

/Harry: By the way, does Voldemort actually know when a Horcrux is destroyed?/

In the movies, he did.


jana_ch June 19 2015, 09:52:55 UTC
I suspect Molly Weasley’s soul is damaged after she kills Bellatrix. She certainly acts in hatred-understandable hatred, but hatred nonetheless.

On the other hand, I don’t believe Severus’s soul is damaged by killing Dumbledore, because it’s an act of mercy, and he feels remorse even at the moment he does it. Does anyone else in the saga feel remorse at having to kill?


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