Love potions and double standards in Harry Potter and fandom

Sep 14, 2014 10:11

It was mentioned on a previous thread that there is a creepy double standard in the series about how love potions are considered to be somehow OK if a witch uses them. For instance, we get Molly whom JKR wants us to love, giggling about brewing a potion that turns people into lust fuelled zombies. Did she actually slip the potion in question to ( Read more... )

potions, fanfiction, love potions, double standards

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Comments 14

guardians_song September 14 2014, 09:54:49 UTC
Eh, all the uses of love potions that I've seen in fanfiction portray them as straight-up rape potions*. I'd say the above author is the extreme exception to the rule (and thank heavens!).

*There is a ludicrous-but-fairly-common plot with Ginny dosing, or attempting to dose, Harry with love potion in order to force him into an actually-loveless marriage and Harry breaking free in order to run off with Hermione/Draco/Voldemort/partner-of-your-choice. I cannot remember seeing a SINGLE fanfiction in which this is portrayed as anything but High Villainy, unless you technically count the few in which she was actually being mind-raped into it by the Real Villain of your choice.


Re: vermouth1991 September 14 2014, 12:34:03 UTC
All canon examples of someone actually ingesting a Love Potion (Ron-Romilda and Thomas-Merope) had been disastrous, to say the least.


This is both a reply to this entry & a request for help: vermouth1991 September 14 2014, 12:11:58 UTC
In one of the conversations I'd had over here with someone else (bad David, can't even remember a name!), she/he introduced this very telling fanfic to me: Lily sees a recipe for a love potion on Witches Weekly (I've seen tips for readers' sex life on Cosmopolitan and Entertainment Weekly, but nothing about drug use like this; wizards and witches really handle next-level sh-t) and brews one for Severus, knowing about his crush. It works well. Too well in fact. It took an antidote twenty years later for Severus to realize that he ought to be over his crush a long time ago and find someone else to love and marry.

I think I was told that the fic's author was "notwolf", however I can't find this fic over on notwolf's fanfiction dot net account, so if you see this, I'd really like a direct link, because I don't think I even remembered the author's name right. Thank you.

ETA: Now that I've checked, it was a conversation I'd had with @oneandthetruth on a recent thread. If you see this, can you please give me a link?


Re: This is both a reply to this entry & a request for help: oneandthetruth September 14 2014, 19:14:59 UTC
Well, I can't give you a link because LJ won't allow it. The story is Death Eater No More. However, please note this is part of an epic series, which is listed in order in notwolf's profile. You'll get a lot more out of it if you start at the beginning and read the novels in order. Her WIP is Father, My Father, about Abraxas as a young man. You can skip over it and go straight to The Beginnings of a Death Eater if you want to start with the Baby Boom characters.

I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to you.


Re: This is both a reply to this entry & a request for help: vermouth1991 September 18 2014, 01:44:38 UTC
Thank you for the info. Actually just the title, author's name and site (fanfiction dot net, harrypotterfanfiction, fanfiction dot mugglenet dot net, thepetulantpoetess...) would be more than enough.

It's alright, I'm not a very swift replier either. :)


oneandthetruth September 15 2014, 00:23:49 UTC
I started to read that story out of curiosity, but it was so badly written I had to quit. (There was "shawn" as the past tense of "shine," and "venerable" when she meant "vulnerable," among other glaring mistakes. The only consolation I can take is that the author's Canadian, so at least it's somebody besides an American looking like an ignorant, uneducated sicko in this case ( ... )


aikaterini September 17 2014, 13:00:41 UTC
/Yet she still married him, and now she's defending him, both of which indicate she's pretty messed up, too./

I don’t feel comfortable blaming victims of abuse for their abuse, so I’d like to point out a few possible reasons why Rice’s wife has stayed with him.

1) Her family and/or friends blame her for Rice’s behavior and have pressured her to stay with him.

2) She may want to stay for the sake of their child by rationalizing that a messed-up father is better than no father at all (yes, I know that it’s easy for us, who are standing on the outside, to say, “*No,* no father at all is better than a dangerous one,” but she may be desperate to maintain some pretense of family).

3) Stockholm Syndrome.

4) She’s afraid of what he’ll do to her and/or their child if she leaves him. It’s common for abusers to step up their violence and/or kill their partner after they’ve broken up.

5) What was her job or financial situation before she married Rice? She may feel dependent on him because he’s a rich football player.


condwiramurs September 17 2014, 20:45:19 UTC
Yes, this, thank you. There are many reasons abused people stay with their abusers, and assuming that she must be 'messed up' because she does, without knowing her full situation, is just a shitty move. It's not her fault for being abused, ever.


attilathepbnun September 20 2014, 22:56:35 UTC
Just because someone's messed up *doesn't* mean *it's their fault* they're messed up. Anyone who co-operates in their own victimization is messed up; they *need help* to get un-messed up, and out of their dangerous situation. Rice's wife needs help, obviously; I just hope she realizes this soon, seeks aid, and gets it, soon.


for_diddled September 15 2014, 21:26:50 UTC
"The author actually writes in an author's note at the end of chapter 2: "I don't see why people are getting on my case for Daphne raping Harry. If anything it is just repeating how Merope Gaunt conceived Tom Riddle.""

So... rape's alright if someone else has done it before you? :0


oryx_leucoryx September 16 2014, 05:37:20 UTC
I suppose if anyone writes a new Dark Lord nobody is allowed to say that he is a megalomaniac mass murderer because Voldemort already was one?


vermouth1991 September 21 2014, 05:19:11 UTC
It's a real mess, o one in universe even called out that Merope raped Thomas Sr.


Inspiring fanfic terri_testing October 1 2014, 22:01:58 UTC
Congrats, you've begotten a double-drabble.


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