(no subject)

Nov 13, 2009 01:18

Rogue was in a good mood. Life was good, her team was good and only getting better, and she was wearing a pretty new pair of boots. Life was good, darn it! She was not going to let any pesky 'When somethin' good happens, somethin' AWFUL is waitin' just around the corner, Anna' nonsense spoil her mood.


Life was good.

Moving over to a chair, she sat down, then immediately stood back up. She walked around the chair, her facial expressions working somewhere between very happy and confused. Life wasn't usually this good, and was she really sure why she was happy?

Something was bound to happen now.

She hadn't even knocked on wood. There probably weren't any saltshakers nearby, either. Well, shoot.

Managing to sit back down and stay sitting...for a while, Rogue took a deep breath. "Do you ever manage to talk yourself out of a perfectly good mood for no good reason?" Not that she had. She was still feeling pretty great. It was just... "Do you think folks talk themselves outta happiness 'cause they think they don't deserve it, or is it just 'cause we're kinda batty?" She was guessing 'Batty' was the answer.

ETA: Off for the evening (early, early morning!). Will tag back later. :)
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