
Nov 13, 2009 01:18

Rogue was in a good mood. Life was good, her team was good and only getting better, and she was wearing a pretty new pair of boots. Life was good, darn it! She was not going to let any pesky 'When somethin' good happens, somethin' AWFUL is waitin' just around the corner, Anna' nonsense spoil her mood.


Life was goodMoving over to a chair ( Read more... )

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Comments 196

touchme_n_boom November 13 2009, 06:58:55 UTC
Here Rosue, have a very familiar looking girl wandering around humming to herself. Really, Becca had just stumbled into the place, and she didn't really know what it was all about, but it was fun to listen to people talk though ( ... )


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 07:12:00 UTC
Oh, a fellow Southern gal! Rogue returns the smile and shrugs a bit. "Your papa sounds like a smart man," she replies easily. She pulls her legs up, making herself even more comfortable.

"It ain't always easy to just take happiness, though. Sometimes, folks don't reckon they deserve it." She's not talking about anything that's happened. This is just Rogue's thinking, in general.

The longer she looks at the girl, the more familiar she looks. She can't place it, but there's definitely something clicking away inside Rogue's brain. "You and your mama have a hard time accepting happiness?"


touchme_n_boom November 13 2009, 07:38:51 UTC
Born and bred you could say. "He is. One of the best." She smiles, still swinging her own legs easily. It's fun to just sit and talk for a bit.

"Oh I know the feeling. But I don't think there's many people who're bad enough t'not deserve happiness. Everyone at least deserves a chance." Something Becca knows well enough. But they'll get to that, won't they?

It's sort of like looking in a slightly younger mirror, Rogue. Why, people could mistake you two for sisters. "Not me so much. I take after m'papa. Or so people tell me. But m'mama tends t'be a li'l hard on herself sometimes."


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 07:50:15 UTC
Rogue smiles at the young woman's answer. It's nice to see someone who likes a parent. It's comforting to know it can happen.

Nodding slightly, she rests her head on the back of the chair, allowing herself to relax. "I'd say you're right 'bout everyone deserving a chance at happiness. I generally try to think the same way." And, she does. Rogue really does try, even with...or especially with her mother.

It's really driving her crazy that she can't place this girl. "I've heard some mamas can be kinda hard on themselves," she says with a small smile. "I'd reckon maybe it's just a 'Mama thing', but I know it ain't."


lilbitdotty November 13 2009, 07:35:22 UTC
"Batty!" It's more than likely that Elliot is just saying that because he likes the sound of the word. He hasn't been human for quite some time, and it always takes him a moment or two or a couple days to get used to talking again.

Then, after a moment, he frowns, brow furrowing as he quickly rubs his forehead. "No, wait, hold on - um, I guess it's because they...have enough experience to realize that, eventually, something bad is going to happen?"


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 07:43:39 UTC
Rogue laughs, a bit started at the word.

She turns to look at him, resting her gloved hands on the arm of the chair. "Yeah, that's makes sense. It's kinda what ran around in my head, but I can't always make sense of what goes on up there."

Tilting her head slightly, she regards him. "Do you generally think somethin' bad is gonna happen when there's good stuff goin' on?"


lilbitdotty November 13 2009, 07:55:05 UTC
Elliot finds himself a seat on a chair opposite Rogue, crossing his legs underneath him and playing with the silver tag he's wearing around his neck.

"Oh, me neither. My grandmother used to tell me that, while most people's minds were like balls of yarn, mine was the yarn after the cat had gotten to it," he remarks, chuckling a little.

Then, frowning a little. "I think...I try not to think about it. I try to enjoy the moment, I suppose. But I know it's sort of inevitable."


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 08:03:40 UTC
Rogue can't help but laugh with him at his memory of his grandmother's words. She's relaxed and comfortable, and she can't help but think that it sounds like something her Aunt Carrie would have said to her.

"Enjoyin' the moment is good. It's important." Pursing her lips for a moment, she looks off, thinking. "I suppose knowing that things are inevitably gonna turn south might make enjoyin' those moments even more important, huh?"

She's asking herself this question just as much as she's asking him.


tastes_of_honey November 13 2009, 08:02:02 UTC
Sometimes. I try not not to do that. Life's too short.

All folks do it because they're batty, some because they don't think they deserve happiness and they're batty. I know someone who distrusts happiness because he thinks it happens to lull him into a false sense of security before spanking him hard with some bad times.


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 08:11:08 UTC
"Hmm." Rogue thinks about that for a few moments, then looks over at the new face. She nods in agreement. Life is, indeed, way too short.

"Does he have a reason to feel that way?" She can't help but ask. "I mean, I agree with the batty. It wouldn't have come to my mind if I hadn't thought it, I reckon, but..." Taking a small breath, Rogue rearranges her legs as one of her feet falls asleep. "Is it really all that batty to recognize a chain of events that continues to happen, and be wary of it?"


tastes_of_honey November 13 2009, 08:15:46 UTC
::Especially since people with abilities, such as Schuldig, usually don't live as long as regular people.::

Yeah, he's had a lot of bad things happen to him in his life, so I understand the wariness, but it's so bad that his happy times always have a shadow of worry to them so he can't fully enjoy them. It's possible to be so pessimistic that some great things pass you by because you don't trust them. Plus, he angsts about his past. At least some of his alternates are learning better.


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 08:28:50 UTC
Rogue listens carefully to what he's saying. She's found there's wisdom in listening to others, and she tries...she really tries to learn from what she hears.

It doesn't always take, but she continues to try.

"That's too bad," she says, her voice sincere. "And, you're right. It's not good when you hold on so tight to the bad and the worry, that you can't appreciate the good. I reckon that's why I asked to begin with. I don't like seein' that in myself."


obscuronoctis November 13 2009, 08:32:03 UTC
Prompted by the typist's brain dying last week the need to use the Nexus laboratories for something less than advisable, Bruce has reluctantly left home. He's been trying to show up here less, not particularly enjoying the disorientation of alternates.

So of course, it screws with him and sends him in circles, and he ends up near Rogue. "..." Batty, huh. "Well, it's ... a pattern, people get used to, psychologically, feeling a certain way, and even occasional bursts of endorphins aren't enough to break a habit without effort."

He recognizes her from the Halloween party, and though he doesn't say so, he makes no effort to pretend not to be that dork in the Zorro mask.


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 08:43:02 UTC
Rogue recognizes the voice, although it takes her a few moments to put two and two together, and she smiles at him. "Tom, right?"

"I guess you're right. It is hard to break a habit. What I'm wonderin', though, is if it's possible." One gloved finger goes to the end of a long, white curl and she tugs at it as she speaks. "My brain says that nothing's impossible. That we're all capable of achieving things beyond what we can understand, yeah? But, if that's true...all the rest of me does a heckuva number fightin' my brain."

If that didn't make sense to him, there's really no need to worry. Half the time, stuff doesn't make sense to her. The 'Batty' part can stand nice and strong on Rogue's side of the fence.


obscuronoctis November 13 2009, 08:56:54 UTC
He nods, giving her a fleeting smile in hello. He's a little anxious to get on his way, but it doesn't show; if the Nexus is making him walk in circles he might as well sit tight for a bit, since that's what it seems to want him to do.

"Logic doesn't always go along with our hearts," he agrees. "Or our hearts with our tempers."


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 09:08:09 UTC
Oh, even if it did show, Rogue might not catch the poor man's anxiety to go. She might have a little problem with catching details... Anyway, she's glad for the company, and gladder it's someone she's met before.

"Oh, yes," she agrees. "I've got a big problem with the temper part of that. Good graciousness." There's a bit of an issue with logic, too, but that's neither here nor there.


crawler_kid November 13 2009, 16:40:23 UTC
"Ah've done that a time or too," Angel says. "Mostly bein' batty, I s'pose."


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 23:52:23 UTC
Rogue grins. "Hey there, darlin'." Today is quite the day for Rogue to see 'her' children. "I think there's a large consensus goin' with batty, yeah."

"How've you been?" She'd really like to know.


crawler_kid November 14 2009, 00:28:24 UTC
"Ah'm doing all right," she replies. "School's been goin' pretty well and all, but somebody done gone and attacked mah beau's sister... she got hurt pretty bad, so I'm worried about her."


touchme_n_die November 14 2009, 00:35:30 UTC
Glad to hear that she's all right, a smile slips across her face. Of course, it's instantly replaced with concern. "I'm sorry t'hear that." She bites her lip. "Is she gonna be all right?"


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