
Nov 13, 2009 01:18

Rogue was in a good mood. Life was good, her team was good and only getting better, and she was wearing a pretty new pair of boots. Life was good, darn it! She was not going to let any pesky 'When somethin' good happens, somethin' AWFUL is waitin' just around the corner, Anna' nonsense spoil her mood.


Life was goodMoving over to a chair ( Read more... )

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crawler_kid November 13 2009, 16:40:23 UTC
"Ah've done that a time or too," Angel says. "Mostly bein' batty, I s'pose."


touchme_n_die November 13 2009, 23:52:23 UTC
Rogue grins. "Hey there, darlin'." Today is quite the day for Rogue to see 'her' children. "I think there's a large consensus goin' with batty, yeah."

"How've you been?" She'd really like to know.


crawler_kid November 14 2009, 00:28:24 UTC
"Ah'm doing all right," she replies. "School's been goin' pretty well and all, but somebody done gone and attacked mah beau's sister... she got hurt pretty bad, so I'm worried about her."


touchme_n_die November 14 2009, 00:35:30 UTC
Glad to hear that she's all right, a smile slips across her face. Of course, it's instantly replaced with concern. "I'm sorry t'hear that." She bites her lip. "Is she gonna be all right?"


crawler_kid November 14 2009, 01:20:01 UTC
"She should be," Angel says. "Aiden flew out to the west coast to be with her, and he says she's recoverin' about as well as can be expected."


touchme_n_die November 14 2009, 01:28:32 UTC
Rogue nods. She is used to the worry that comes with her life. It's something everyone she knows has to become accustomed to. It saddens her that Angel has to deal with it, and she wonders just how often that she has to. "That's good." She says a silent little prayer for this girl she doesn't know.


crawler_kid November 14 2009, 02:21:40 UTC
She nodded. "It is. She's resilient, Hana is. But for havin' a dad who's power is bein' lucky, the two of them sure seem to attract trouble sometimes."


touchme_n_die November 14 2009, 02:30:02 UTC
Rogue laughs a bit, but it's not with any humor. It's too familiar...the trouble, and whatever fate or destiny that seems to draw it in. "Well, it sounds like she's got heaps of support, yeah? That's always helpful, too."

Now, who is saying this? Sure, it's a gal who hates to accept help...it doesn't mean she can't see the truth in what she said.


crawler_kid November 14 2009, 03:37:53 UTC
She nodded. "She does. Aiden an' her parents already done flew out to her, and she's got her boyfriend, Misha, out there too."


touchme_n_die November 14 2009, 03:43:26 UTC
"Good. The more, the better." Since Angel is there, and she's curious about her, Rogue figures it's a good time to get to know her a little better. "Are you real close with all of 'em? Her and her boyfriend and all?"


crawler_kid November 14 2009, 04:29:26 UTC
Another nod. "Misha's like a big brother to all us x-kids, on account of bein' the oldest by a few years. Had a crush on him, once, when Ah was five. Don't remember if Ah mentioned it before, but he's Uncle Logan's kid."

She goes on, "Ah'm not as close to Hana, not like Ah am to Misha or Sara or nothin', but only on account of her not growin' up in the mansion full time. But still... she's family, one way or another."


touchme_n_die November 14 2009, 04:55:42 UTC
Rogue is beaming, now. "Logan's a daddy?" She can't think of much to top that. "That's great."

She listens to Angel and smiles, her face a bit more relaxed at the mention of family. "One way or another, yeah." Rogue can understand that. Laughing a bit, she pats her stomach. "One way or another, I reckon you're kinda gonna have even more family, come March. I know it's not the same thing, different universes and all, but still."


crawler_kid November 15 2009, 03:53:22 UTC
"Three kids, actually. Misha's the oldest, and there's David, who's about twelve, and Emily, who's the cutest little girl ever and got him completely wrapped around her finger."

It takes a moment for the news to sink in, but Angel breaks into a grin. "That's wonderful! Congratulations!"


touchme_n_die November 16 2009, 19:53:02 UTC
Rogue reels a bit from hearing that Logan has three kids. She's not surprised at all to hear that little Emily has her daddy wrapped around her finger. "Aww, ain't that somethin'? Just a big ole softy, huh?"

She's beaming now, and she's pushing her hair back from her face. "Thanks, darlin'. I'm real excited."


crawler_kid November 17 2009, 00:33:47 UTC
"Definitely," Angel agrees. "Don' surprise me none, though."

She smiles. "When're you do, your reckon?"


touchme_n_die November 19 2009, 08:49:25 UTC
"Naw...I can't say I'm all that surprised myself." Her face is fixed in a soft smile.

"Round the first of March, is what Hank says. We're gonna call him Charles."


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