(no subject)

Feb 21, 2009 11:11

Maybe an orange sort of glow precedes him, or it's just a trick of the light.

Either way, there's an Adam in the Nexus. He's doubled over, pale, shaking. His arms clutch his stomach, his head, and he stumbles to a couch to collapse onto it.

Perhaps the lights in the Nexus are on the fritz, because there's - shadows, it must be, flickering over Adam's skin. If the fabric of the couch is visible through his hand for a moment, well, it's probably just another trick of the light.

"A memory," he gasps, leaning his head back against the cushion and closing his eyes. "A good memory. Describe it to me?"

((In short: Adam is an alien who feeds memories (of himself) into people through touch. He needs memories and needs to be remembered in order to survive. In a place like the Nexus with too many people and not enough time, he cannot fully place himself inside someone's head without causing suspicion, so for now - if he can - he will only create small memories, being careful not to displace anything else.

If your don't want your character's memories altered with, the Anti-Violence Field will protect you. Nothing will happen if they initiate contact. It's up to you. If for some reason you do decide to ignore the Anti-Violence Field, slip me a note and let me know to what extent Adam can, ahem, insert himself. He's on his best behavior, he'll only put in good memories for now.))
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