(no subject)

Jan 14, 2009 11:43

He enters the Nexus in a sort of shambling run, almost shuffling, rather than actually running. He is not overly tall, nor incredibly short, but is of rather average height, and average build as well. That's pretty much the only thing average about him, however. His hair is a wild mess of tangled black locks; his face is pale and criss-crossed with scars. He's wearing the sort of outfit that people who like to play with whips and such can only dream about.

And to top it all off, once you're finished looking at his face, your eyes drift inevitably down to his hands - or rather, his lack of hands. Attached at the wrists, where digits of flesh and bone ought to be, in an assortment of scissors in various sizes.

Nexus, meet Edward.

He stops, when he realizes he's not in Suburbia anymore, and just stands there for a while, the scissors twitching every now and then, as though he were wiggling his fingers. He turns in a small circle, blinking, and eventually sees the Sign. Curious, he approaches it, lifts a blade to poke at it. When it's unresponsive, he turns around again, the scissors still wiggling, and asks quietly, "Hello?"
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