
Jan 14, 2009 11:43

He enters the Nexus in a sort of shambling run, almost shuffling, rather than actually running. He is not overly tall, nor incredibly short, but is of rather average height, and average build as well. That's pretty much the only thing average about him, however. His hair is a wild mess of tangled black locks; his face is pale and criss-crossed ( Read more... )

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Comments 195

bunnyraebit January 14 2009, 18:06:51 UTC
"Hi!" Rae says, staring a little at his hands, but cheerily friendly.


sharpasscissors January 14 2009, 18:09:54 UTC
Edward jumps a bit at her voice, but upon seeing her, he smiles. Blinks at her. Takes a few steps in her direction. All the time, the scissors wiggle gently at his sides.

He tucks his chin in a bit, as if waiting for her to say something else. It's not because he doesn't like to talk, or because he doesn't want to talk - mostly he just never really knows what to say.


bunnyraebit January 14 2009, 18:22:19 UTC
He's not talking. Does he realize what this means? This invites the Prattling of the Rae.

"You've got neat hand-things. I know a guy who can make his legs do that, but afterwards he usually turns them into something more...leggy. Do yours change at all? They're neat either way. I'm Rae. What's your name?"


sharpasscissors January 14 2009, 18:27:21 UTC
That's perfectly fine with Edward. He likes listening to other people talk. It's something he's good at doing. He could listen to other people talk all day.

Her questions about his hands go unanswered for now, because he's really only capable of focusing on one question at a time, and the last one she's asked sticks out the most.



courtneycrumrin January 14 2009, 18:14:45 UTC
A teenage girl with close-cropped blond hair and immense dark eyes approaches, looking skeptical. She is not dressed in anything resembling bondage gear, just a white striped shirt and matching stockings under a black jumper.

"Wow. That's a new one. Hi." She waves tentatively, keeping out of scissoring range.


sharpasscissors January 14 2009, 18:17:25 UTC
Excited, Edward lifts a 'hand' to wave in return, and then jumps, as though startled, when the blades flash in front of his face. After that, he lowers both hands to his sides and looks at Courtney, blinking.


courtneycrumrin January 14 2009, 18:24:26 UTC
Okay, definitely no hostility there. She comes a little closer, stifling a grin. "Okay. Welcome to the Nexus, then. I'm Courtney."


sharpasscissors January 14 2009, 18:29:49 UTC
Edward's about as hostile as a pile of soggy paper towels, for the most part.

He blinks again, chews on his bottom lip for a moment, and then asks, "Nexus?"


danica_grey January 14 2009, 18:16:31 UTC
Blinkblink. Blink.

Timid Goth-steampunk cyborg?


The mussy-haired girl in the Killing Joke t-shirt and skull leggings licks her lips and sits up a little straighter, disturbing the tuxedo kitten on her lap, which yawns hugely. "Hi. You lost?"


sharpasscissors January 14 2009, 18:19:38 UTC
That d'awwwww reaction seems to be the one he gets most, for whatever reason. Maybe it has something to do with his boyish demeanor, though he's clearly not a child.

He nods at Danica, tucking the scissors in close to his body, like a praying mantis - only without the intent of chewing someone's head off. His attention is focused raptly on the kitten.


danica_grey January 14 2009, 18:35:02 UTC
"You ever seen one of these before? It's a kitten. A baby cat. It's ok, I'll bring her over." She gets up, scooping the Smudge into her hands. No fear; there is after all an anti-violence field, and he seems more nervous than anything.

"Take it easy. You'll probably have to pet her with your nose." She demonstrates, nuzzling said kitten.

"My name's Danica, and you're in the Nexus. It's...usually the first time people come here, they don't expect it, and it can be kinda shocking."


sharpasscissors January 14 2009, 18:42:09 UTC
Edward's first instint, upon seeing a small fuzzy thing, is to give it a haircut. He raises the first two blades carefully, lowering them gently between the kitten's ears, and snips a tiny bit of fur from the top of her head.

Satisfied, he leans over, tucking his hands close to his chest again, and copies Danica's demonstration of nuzzling the kitten. He jumps back suddenly, eyes wide, and sneezes - he hadn't expected the kitten's fur to tickle his nose like that.


not_a_mime January 14 2009, 18:16:52 UTC
Sam is nonplussed. He's been in the nexus a long time. Long enough to run out of things to clean over at his own hotel. He's quietly polishing the plastic silverware in the small kitchen that appears sometimes.

After Edward jabs at the sign with his blade Sam comes over- stretching his hand to keep away from the weapons. He wipes at the little spot left there. Rub rub rub.
Studies it. Rubs at it some more.
Toothpaste. He'll cover it little nick with a dab of toothpaste.


sharpasscissors January 14 2009, 18:22:09 UTC
Edward leans in to see what Sam's doing to the Sign, keeping his scissored hands tucked behind his back. Every time Sam rubs at the spot, one of the blades twitches, as though Edward wants to do the same to the Sign. And he does - since he assumes that's what he should do, since Sam is doing it.

He glances at the man, and then back at the Sign, waiting for something to happen.


not_a_mime January 14 2009, 18:31:50 UTC
Sam gives the sign a little glare for not being pristine and then turns his attention fully to Edward. He doesn't recognize a parody of his own face. It's too hard to tell with the lack of eyebrows and scars and things. Helps that Sam's mental image of himself is a bit off.

His brows knit together.
"Do you have toothpaste?"


sharpasscissors January 14 2009, 18:36:57 UTC
Edward straightens himself up, turns to stare at Sam now. His brow - or lack thereof, as the case may be - creases. "Toothpaste?"

He doesn't recognize Sam, either. Possibly because he's only looked in a mirror once or twice. Or it might be only that Edward's a simple thing, and doesn't spend much time dwelling on things like similarities in facial structure.


gegege_no_ge January 14 2009, 20:58:39 UTC
Clonk, clonk. The distinctive sound of geta filters through the fog before the young boy appears. He spots Edward, blinks a little, and approaches.

Hello. Are you lost?


sharpasscissors January 15 2009, 01:11:44 UTC
Edward looks down at the boy, his posture indictating no threat, but rather a sort of eager curiosity. Clearly the boy's sudden appearance has intrigued him.

In response to the question, Edward looks around - he doesn't know where he is, true, but he knows very well where he isn't. "No."


gegege_no_ge January 15 2009, 01:25:00 UTC
I'm glad to hear it. This is no place to be lost, after all.

He eyes the hands, but is too polite to say anything.

Do you need any help?


sharpasscissors January 15 2009, 01:35:19 UTC
Edward blinks at the boy, staring politely. He doesn't need help, he thinks, but he's not sure if he does, so he says nothing, rather than say the wrong thing and embarrass himself.


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