
May 25, 2008 15:58

Well. This is different ( Read more... )


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armedandwinged May 25 2008, 23:09:10 UTC

So, she seeks out to try and figure out what's wrong.

Predictably, there's a bright flash, and a sort of DEW DEW DEW sound.

As Arabelle falls flat on her face in a maze of tunnels and green pipes, Super Mario Bros 3. The Pipe Maze.

"..." Arabelle stands up, dusting her pants off. And realizes where she is. "FUCK YOU, NEXUS. SERIOUSLY. FUCK. YOU." She shakes her fist at the ceiling.


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:14:01 UTC
Hooooooooly shit, that's a lot of pipes.

A goomba wanders past Ara, looks at her with a sort of "you poor sucker" expression, and wanders off. You know you're in trouble when the ENEMIES feel sorry for you.

Have fun navigating this plumber's nightmare!


armedandwinged May 25 2008, 23:16:02 UTC
"..At least the little bastards aren't chasing me this time." Arabelle grumbles and attempts to figure out where in this Plumber's hell she's landed. The problem with the Pipe Maze in a first person viewpoint?

It's damn easy to lose your bearings. "Okay, so. I think I go this way.." And down the corridor she jogs! And she LEAPS FOR THE FIRST PIPE.


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:18:13 UTC
One seemingly indefinite period of time later, the pipe spits Ara out about fifty feet above where she started. There are three pipes she can go into from here, though. Which one is it?


spinsaweb May 25 2008, 23:09:32 UTC
"Oooh!" Spidey says, kneeling to pick up one of the cartridges. "Duck Hunt! I used to love this one!"

He looks at the whole set-up cautiously - is it a trap? Well, his spider-sense isn't tingling ... he slides the game home with a click.


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:20:05 UTC
And suddenly, Spidey is in... a wetlands area. The sky is sunny and gorgeous, and the sound of quacking ducks is in the air.

And Spidey's hunting gun... is a Nintendo Zapper. (NOT THAT ZAPPER. THANK GOD.)

But where's the dog?


spinsaweb May 25 2008, 23:29:26 UTC
"..." Spidey looks around, and then down at his gun. He tugs at the cord extending from its cheery, red casing, but it only continues somewhere into the (vaguely pixelated?) distance, disappearing in the marshy grass.

"Damn, I'm really dumb," he sighs.


imbetteratdumb May 25 2008, 23:35:23 UTC
Oh here's another fine schmuck! The dog thought as ran up, barking it's head up at his 'new' master.

"Woof! Woof!"


truebornbanacek May 25 2008, 23:27:03 UTC
"Hm. This one looks interesting." Caleb has, by sheer chance, taken out Faxanadu. Having grown up in the 3000s, he has no knowledge of things like "blowing into the cartridge", but it's easy enough to think of how to get it in.

And then he hits the power button. He's used game consoles before, he knows how this works.


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:32:17 UTC
And suddenly, Caleb is in front of a town.

The town is at the base of what is probably going to be the largest tree Caleb will ever see in his life. The circumference of the tree must extend for miles all around, and the top of the tree can barely be seen from here.

But the tree doesn't look very healthy, like it's slowly dying. The town, too, reflects the nature of the tree, with the outer walls crumbling, and an air of impending doom emanating from its presence. It's a town desperately in need of a hero.

Funny, that.


truebornbanacek May 25 2008, 23:55:02 UTC
Caleb is very, very surprised to find this out, considering that he just wanted to play a Nintendo game. There's a long while where he's just *staring* at the tree, like... well, okay. It's a huge tree, and it's sick, and...

Wait, where the hell is he, anyway?

Caleb looks down.

... )


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:57:01 UTC
Well. At least he's in the mood of the game, anyway, so to speak.

Maybe he can go into town and figure out what the hell's going on here.

((This? Is epic win, for the record.))


sycophanticdick May 25 2008, 23:36:51 UTC
'Before his time' doesn't even begin to describe the NES in relation to Simmons, but entertainment's been lacking in the Gulch, and Simmons figures that at the worst, it'll be good for a laugh. (The poor fool.) He searches through the games before finally selecting one called Zombie Nation. Can't go wrong with zombies, after all, right? (Again, the poor fool.)


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:41:21 UTC
And suddenly he's flying over a city in turmoil. Mindless beings wander around in the streets, running around mindlessly. Suddenly, there are tanks firing at him! Helicopters! And...

...and Simmons is a gigantic, floating head. What. The fuck.

He'll note, however, that he's a giant head that can spit spitballs of DOOM. Might wanna take advantage of that. Like, now.


sycophanticdick May 25 2008, 23:53:13 UTC
There are no words for Simmons's rage at this sudden change of scenery and self. No words at all. Instead there are spitballs. Aimed at, well, just about anything he can possibly aim them at.


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:58:01 UTC
And there are buildings and vehicles blowing up now! This shit is AWESOME! Wait, there's that person falling out of the building --

And right into Simmon's mouth. Ew. EW. But hey, he feels a little healthier all of a sudden!


honoringblood May 25 2008, 23:42:15 UTC
Ash hesitates next to the games and shuffles through them. He's got a few hours before his next shift at work. He finally finds something that looks interesting - The Legend of Zelda - and, after a few moments of finagling, pops it in.


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:45:37 UTC
The world shifts, and suddenly, he's out in the open. Huge cliffs can be seen off to the west, while the east leads to a forest. A small cave can be seen just to Ash's north.

Let's hope this guy's played Zelda before, because it should be really obvious what to do from here.


honoringblood May 25 2008, 23:49:17 UTC
Alas, Ash hasn't, but he has adventured before. If that counts for anything >_>

He figures it'd be a good idea to head for the cave, since it's the only thing in the area and running into unfamiliar forests is a bad, bad idea.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 00:00:05 UTC
There's an old man in the cave who sits between two large braziers, almost as if expecting him. Lying in front of him is a sword -- wooden, but at the same time crafted well enough that it could probably do some damage if Ash was so inclined.

And the only thing the old man says regarding the situation is the following, immortal phrase:

"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this."

Writing in the NES days was EPIC, man.


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