
May 25, 2008 15:58

Well. This is different ( Read more... )


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honoringblood May 25 2008, 23:42:15 UTC
Ash hesitates next to the games and shuffles through them. He's got a few hours before his next shift at work. He finally finds something that looks interesting - The Legend of Zelda - and, after a few moments of finagling, pops it in.


videogameslol May 25 2008, 23:45:37 UTC
The world shifts, and suddenly, he's out in the open. Huge cliffs can be seen off to the west, while the east leads to a forest. A small cave can be seen just to Ash's north.

Let's hope this guy's played Zelda before, because it should be really obvious what to do from here.


honoringblood May 25 2008, 23:49:17 UTC
Alas, Ash hasn't, but he has adventured before. If that counts for anything >_>

He figures it'd be a good idea to head for the cave, since it's the only thing in the area and running into unfamiliar forests is a bad, bad idea.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 00:00:05 UTC
There's an old man in the cave who sits between two large braziers, almost as if expecting him. Lying in front of him is a sword -- wooden, but at the same time crafted well enough that it could probably do some damage if Ash was so inclined.

And the only thing the old man says regarding the situation is the following, immortal phrase:

"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this."

Writing in the NES days was EPIC, man.


honoringblood May 26 2008, 02:30:22 UTC
It's entirely not creepy at all to find old men and braziers in caves next to forests! .__.
Ash raises an eyebrow and leans over to take the sword, and instantly recalls his cousin Tsuko whalloping him with one of those in his youth. What, it was mildly traumatizing.

"You wouldn't have someone I could actually... I dunno, go with? Since the sword isn't gonna talk or anything, so I'm still alone."
He always picks the wrong times to use his logic skills.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 02:41:19 UTC
The old man pauses for a bit. Then again, more insistently:

"It's DANGEROUS to go ALONE. Take THIS."

He seems annoyed with you, Ash. Clearly, you are not meant to question the Nintendo logic.


honoringblood May 26 2008, 02:56:40 UTC
He flinches back a bit. "Okay, okay, I'll take the sword! Bhaal's blood, you're stubborn." Well, at least it's well-made, right? At least he can pretend it's a really stumpy quarterstaff or something.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 02:58:14 UTC
The old man seems pleased! You have pleased the generic old man sprite, Ash. Feel proud of yourself.

Time to adventure in the wild blue yonder. Woods first, or the canyon?


honoringblood May 26 2008, 03:19:04 UTC
Ash is just happy to not have the guy annoyed with him anymore. Even if he's feeling slightly emasculated. He just vows to never mention this to any of his relatives.

He leaves with cave with all due haste and considers both directions, and decides that the forest might be a better bet for now. There's cover with all the trees, anyway?


videogameslol May 26 2008, 03:20:58 UTC
Cover, yes. Also, lots and lots of weird octo-spider thingies. That spit rocks. Good times.

Oh hey, you have a shield! That's handy. Also, your sword seems to shoot FORCE BOLTS. WICKED.

From here, you can head to the east and the beaches, or head north further into the forest. Command?


honoringblood May 26 2008, 03:29:30 UTC
Rock-spitting octo-spiders are better than psychic octopus-people. And hey, maybe this sword isn't so bad after all! Sweet action!

Beaches usually eventually mean port towns, and as much fun as octo-spiders are... yeeeeah no. Beaches it is!


videogameslol May 26 2008, 03:45:46 UTC
Well, they would, except Zelda has no towns.

So what you get instead are octopi out in the ocean spitting MORE rocks at you, and they hardly react at all to your attack.. Good times, good times.


honoringblood May 26 2008, 04:00:27 UTC
He has to wonder what on earth that old man does for food and stuff, in that case.

Ash is starting to curse the octopi, and decides to stage a tactical retreat. Or run away. Whichever. Back to the woods, they're (slightly) less weird!


videogameslol May 26 2008, 04:03:22 UTC
So. Woods it is.

Upon further exploration of the woods, he may come across a large body of water. An island sits a ways out from shore, and a quick bit of exploration reveals a bridge crossing over to the island. Intriguing, no?


honoringblood May 26 2008, 04:12:28 UTC
That bridge is mightily convenient! It means he doesn't have to swim. "Man, this is just getting weirder and weirder. Damn Nexus." He glances around, shrugs, and heads for the island. Land ho, all's ashore who's going ashore, and other such cliche sayings.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 04:48:19 UTC
There's a rather ominous looking group of dead trees on this island, but of particular note is the large one with a hole large enough for a man to enter. It looks as though you can actually enter the tree, as it descends somewhere further into the ground.


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