Picspam: Because Allan Deserved More

Jul 12, 2009 14:20

I decided to do a picspam of my top 5 Allan moments from Robin Hood, because High-Fidelity style Top 5s are made of win and because Allan deserves to be remembered like this. ( Top 5 Allan a Dale Moments )

tv: robin hood, picspam, character: allan a dale

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Re: also my icon punkfunkdisco July 12 2009, 14:39:07 UTC
The run-away-to-Scarborough plan was great! Although most of me hoped they wouldn't go, it at least was nice interaction and further confirmation of their love friendship. And a chance for both of them to look hot in the rain.

That line is a classic xD

Giz makes me smile every time! And your icon! ♥


missmovies July 12 2009, 13:49:02 UTC
OMG you posted it!!!!!!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Marian hug scene sooooo much and I don't really even ship them, I just think it's so adorable and they finally became proper friends and just awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

Allan in the pilot episode is awesome. They really establish his character so well, he's so cheeky and loveable and mischievious, it's awesome.

Shirtless, wet Allan = complete hotness!

If I was to add a scene it would be the Will/Alan handshake in 2.10 'Walkabout' because it's an epic moment for my Will/Alan loving heart. We finally see their friendship getting back on track and it's just awesome!


punkfunkdisco July 12 2009, 14:41:35 UTC

It was adorable! Not only is it my favourite Allan moment, I think it's quite possibly my favourite moment from all the series.

I particularly love his hair in the first episode. Historically inaccurate hair gel FTW!

Oh yeah, the handshake was good. Series 2 was pretty dry for Will/Allan moments so it was especially nice.


narnialovers July 12 2009, 14:37:11 UTC
lovely choices! i especially love number 1, sosososo effing cute! &hearts


punkfunkdisco July 12 2009, 14:42:31 UTC
The grins on both their faces xD I like to think Lucy and Joe enjoyed hugging each other too!


narnialovers July 12 2009, 15:37:45 UTC
same here! xD


queerlyobscure July 12 2009, 14:40:39 UTC
I loved all of these scenes so much.

Must admit to having liked the baby-dangling moment a little more than I should have, but then I'm awful with babies too.

And the bit where they're debating rescuing Djaq, even though Will was almost shouting and professing his undying love, Allan's "Thing is, I like her" is the part of that scene I remember (to the point where I was surprised by the Will/Djaq thing until I went back and re-watched previous episodes).

And oddly enough, I really liked the scene early in s3 when he was tied up with Kate.


punkfunkdisco July 12 2009, 14:46:20 UTC
The baby-dangling was hilarious!

Also, the fact that Allan sort of steps aside for the Will/Djaq to develop is really lovely. He recognises Will's feelings are deeper so he lets his go a bit.

The Allan/Kate banter was good too, yeah!


dfriendly July 12 2009, 20:01:00 UTC
I really liked the scene early in s3 when he was tied up with Kate.

Yeah, it was sweet to see him trying to cheer up a girl. A bit chivalrous, in his own special way.

That scene/episode is what made me start to like Kate (and then it all went to pot when she hooked up with Robin. blech)


shy_nerthuserce July 12 2009, 15:11:13 UTC
I think the dog moment was more Joe than Allan; didn't Gordon say something about Joe fussing every single dog he encountered in Budapest? :¬) He was probably missing Sam, the Armstrong family dog. :¬)


jigokunotobira July 12 2009, 16:08:55 UTC
Did Gordon say something like this :D? Where? When?
The dog called Sam (cute name:P)? Really? Sorry for asking, how do you know about their dog (I'm just curious:) )?


shy_nerthuserce July 12 2009, 21:59:03 UTC
I'm fairly sure it's Gordon who says it, and it's on the commentary for the ep on the DVD. :¬)

Yes, the Armstrong family dog is called Sam, and he's a springer spaniel. Joe's father is also an actor, and he's used Sam as his character's own dog in the TV series he's in - which is how we know about him! :¬)


jigokunotobira July 12 2009, 22:40:58 UTC
Thanks:). I like this kind of info, especially that Joe didn't give us any called Sam - it's really cute:)!


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