Dear RPers:
I have problems with the Theramore scenario, but they stem from personal reasons, not because the storyline sucks, or because I think Blizzard's going the wrong way with how they're working their game. (Except that Jaina's reaction in Tides of War was far more realistic than her reaction in the Alliance version. But that's another rant
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Which may or may not be true, but experience with the Steamwheedle cartel seem that way.
I still don't know what to do with my hunter. She likes orcs, lives in Orgrimmar, rides wolves and wyverns, but I just can't see her going in for wholesale destruction. If Garrosh had pushed into Ashenvale, bombed Astranaar, pushed on Forest Song, not used mana-bombs, etc, she'd be at the front line, howling for blood and thunder with the rest of them.
The Blood Knight worries about the political ramifications and whether it might be better for her people to distance themselves from Garrosh so as to avoid the Alliance retaliation, while the Hunter is a tad more ecologically minded and worries about whether the fallout will do bad things to the wildlife in the area.
Allianceside the Draenei Mage is horrified at the misuse of magic involved in the bomb. My Draenei Shaman's wandering around with the essence of a blue dragon inside her atm (Not, "omg I'm a secret dragon" but part way through Firelands' staff chain) and she was likewise unimpressed, concerned that they may be making more and worried about how they got the focussing iris in the first place
ToW had a lot of grumbling and unrest by previously loyal members of the Horde. I personally would love to see a rebellion or an all-out civil war within the Horde.
Or even one epic quest chain. We haven't had one of those since Battle for the Undercity.
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