You make me wanna cry....

Jun 04, 2008 14:04

First of all, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY (belated) to Read more... )

cristiano ronaldo, juventus, liverpool, real madrid, xabi alonso, manchester united

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Comments 15

niamh_x June 4 2008, 09:14:41 UTC
Argh, transfer season is a nightmare every year :( The whole Gerrard/Gareth Barry thing is deeply dodgy and smacks of tapping up...and aye, it riles so badly when a player just wants to move on for more money. I know people defend it by saying 'well, wouldn't you in that position?' but no, I wouldn't, not if I was happy where I was. Yeah, mebbie it's old-fashioned, but it pisses me right off that players can just come and go and demand stupid wages, without caring about the club they play for and its fans. Argh.

Good luck with your exams...this is pretty much the first time in 8 years I've had a football competition without them, it's weird as hell! All over soon, though? -hugs-


deanna_tyler June 4 2008, 18:17:17 UTC
I know, but it was never this horrible before! I don't know how I'm going to survive till August ( ... )


niamh_x June 4 2008, 18:36:28 UTC
I seriously take a step back with my club, 'cos watching players you love does your nut in, aye :(

Ah, I dunno, that's being debated a lot on various messageboards lately. Mind you, who needs agents, managers and players playing chinese whispers when you've got the great foghorn gob of the press! I swear, they do more harm than good to football...

It's a shame, it really is. And it riles the fans, because they can't just up sticks and go support someone more successful, which is essentially what players are doing. I dunno, some players say that the nature of the job means they only earn a lot until they're in their mid-30s, so they've gotta get as much money as they can. I say: get a real job afterwards, then, you lazy fookers! :D :D

Ah Giggsy, though, legend. Welsh legend, no less :)

Lol, everything seems really interesting when you've gotta revise, no? Even cleaning! -headdesks- Glad you won't miss all of the competition though, aye, small mercies better than none!


deanna_tyler June 4 2008, 19:04:23 UTC
Oh totally agree about the press! I think I should stop reading newspapers because they run such wildly exaggeraterd stories. Everything is 10 times more murkier the way they present it. I've very quickly learnt not to believe everything that is printed there. Anything will do for a story, as far as they are concerned.

Hmm, yeah, I guess football is a short career, so they have to milk it for all it is worth. *laughs* you're right, they should get some other job later! Which is why I think that they should complete their education too, so that they have other options.

He's brilliant! And one of a kind, there never will be anyone quite like him. *sighs* I'm already dreading the day when he retires.

Yup, and the internet is probably the biggest distraction there is! Especially with all these conflicting stories running around. I feel like I absolutely have to hear the latest news as soon as it is announced. But I need to be getting back to the books, good night.


mira_miracle June 4 2008, 17:42:21 UTC
Cheer up, hun! I found an interview with Rafa today where he explicitly said that he doesn't intend to sell Xabi and that no one has made an offer for him (yet).
(Even though I have to admit that I wouldn't be that sad about him leaving. Gareth Barry looks like a good, tidy player and I'd also love to see a bit more of Lucas and Plessis the next season).

When I hear about all these transfers, I sometimes think that Platini isn't so wrong about his regulations about home-grown players. You would maybe have some more players like Carra on the field, some players who have come through the ranks and who really care for their clubs. However, it must be a difficult decision to leave a club you really like (like Fernando left Athletico) if you realize that they'll never match your ambitions.

Good luck for your exams!


deanna_tyler June 4 2008, 18:24:46 UTC
Oh I've seen the interview too. Yes, it's a bit more reassuring, but all he's saying is that he hasn't received a good offer yet. So it doesn't completely rule out the possibility. And didn't he say something similar before selling Luis Garcia, Morientes and the others? So I'll take it with a pinch of salt. But thank you for the sympathy.

I think Xabi still has a lot to offer Liverpool, if they use him in the right way. Having both Barry and Xabi would give them a lot more options, especially when Mascherano and Lucas are both going to the Olympics. Plessis looked good in his first game, I would like to see more of him too.

You make a good point about the home-grown players. But in the end it depends on the character of the player. Even someone who's home-grown can have his head turned by money or fame. Maybe it's understandable if the club you're moving to can offer you more in footballing terms, but if it's only for money, than that's truly sad.

Thank you! I'm going to need all of it.


tessalonso June 4 2008, 18:54:55 UTC
I have cried over Xabi, even though the news keeps swinging from one thing to another.

And it would be a big loss to the Premier League if Ronaldo left. You know I don't say that lightly!


deanna_tyler June 6 2008, 11:03:17 UTC
It's almost impossible to understand what is real and what is just speculation. I just wish that they would get it sorted out quickly so that we know for sure. That way we can cry over it, and then try to forget.

Thank you for saying that, I can see how difficult it must have been. Yes, it will be a loss, because as much as everyone loves to hate him, and deride him, I think they enjoy his skills too. I don't think there is any player in the world that can thrill the crowd like he can. Call it showboating, or whatever you like, you have to admit that it does draw the crowds.


calvinscorner June 5 2008, 17:52:09 UTC
Wishing you all the best for your upcoming exams.
Hope it goes fine and gets over soon, so that you can catch up with EURO.


deanna_tyler June 6 2008, 11:03:48 UTC
Thank you. I hope it goes well too, I'm incredibly nervous!


shandoras June 5 2008, 20:11:11 UTC
I love to read your entries but I only have this computer for tonight and I need to catch up on an awful lot of things so I'll be brief.

I don't want to write one more word about any transfer mess anymore. Just the slightly unrelated things that come to me first: I love Ron and as long as he doesn't say he hates United or do something as shitty as that, I will continue to do so but my priority is Manchester United and that won't change where ever he goes. No confusion there.

And this is the first time I'm on the net as an 18-year-old so being on time isn't such an issue ;) Thank you ♥


deanna_tyler June 6 2008, 11:07:50 UTC
Oh yes, I heard about your virus problems. I hope you get it sorted out quickly, I've missed chatting with you!

I think you summed it up very nicely. Yes, I don't think I could ever hate him. Some part of me understands where he's coming from too, but I really don't like the way he's going about it. I suppose I will get over it if he does go. I'll miss him terribly, but like you said, Man United is what is important. We will continue with or without him.

You're welcome. Hope you had a nice day!


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