Fic: The Inevitable Advancement of Time (Sherlock, 1/1)

Oct 06, 2011 22:52

Title: The Inevitable Advancement of Time
Author: deaka
Rating: T
Pairings/Characters: Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Donovan
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: Gun violence, implied past drug abuse, swearing
Summary: It's sinking in that he's alone here, bleeding out in this alleyway, and he doesn't want to die like this.
Author's Note: I am neither a medical ( Read more... )

apparently i'm writing sherlock fic, fic, oh god so rusty, sherlock

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Comments 13

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deaka October 7 2011, 13:13:28 UTC
Thanks so much! Glad those sections stood out - I did want to work in a few glimpses of how others were reacting, as much as was possible around Sherlock's somewhat occupied attention.

I figured poor Lestrade might have a bee in his bonnet for a while about consultants and unauthorised pursuits after this. *g*


mamishka October 7 2011, 08:42:56 UTC
I really liked this - I thought you did just fine, better than fine really, for someone who doesn't know what it's like to be shot or have medical experience. And Sherlock was delightfully Sherlockian with his thought process and deductions. I liked John's bird-like motions with hands that are not birdlike.

The only thing that I would correct is John taking the morphine dosage button away from Sherlock? When I was in the hospital, I was told that the morphine button I pushed would only dose me so high for pain, but that it has a cut off point. So you can't actively overdose (or just take more than is advisable) by accident by pushing the button too much.

Two little corrections: "You do so resent having been seen at your weakest," and "No need to see, for John" :)


deaka October 7 2011, 14:01:53 UTC
Thank you! Very glad to hear that. Sherlock seems the type to have mental arguments with himself over imprecision, even if painkillers are to blame.

Good point re the morphine. I did do a bit of highly analytic (*cough*) Google research into patient-administered analgesics which covered dosage lockouts, and you're absolutely right, Sherlock wouldn't be able to self-administer any more than is safe. I figured John would know this, but Sherlock might not, especially in a slightly muddled state. Hence stopping Sherlock uselessly pressing the control for the next ten minutes, especially if he's drifting off. Could have been clearer, though, so have reworded.

Oh, thanks for spotting those corrections! Fixed now. :D


niffler09 October 7 2011, 20:35:26 UTC
That was great, everything was so vivid and angsty, I really liked it!


deaka October 9 2011, 12:09:27 UTC
Very glad you liked it, and thanks for reading!


bugeyedmonster October 8 2011, 01:27:26 UTC

And look, Sally was finally not mean to Sherlock. Of course he had to get shot for that, but hey...


deaka October 9 2011, 12:11:53 UTC
That was the moment he knew he was really in trouble. *g*

Thank you!


lotusflower85 October 9 2011, 12:43:34 UTC
This was great - really seemed to capture Sherlock's 'voice' (to me, anyway, I've not really read a lot of Sherlock fic) and the stream-of-consciousness really worked well.


deaka October 10 2011, 12:37:59 UTC
Thank you! I was a bit surprised it went this way but Sherlock has a loud stream-of-consciousness. (How unexpected...)

Did not know you'd seen Sherlock! Though I shouldn't be surprised.


lotusflower85 October 11 2011, 11:54:59 UTC
I've been a Cumberbatch fangirl since Amazing Grace so him, BBC!drama and Martin Freeman? I was so there :D


deaka October 12 2011, 10:14:50 UTC
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realise he was in Amazing Grace. I guess I was distracted by Ioan Gruffudd? :p I did remember him from Atonement, which was, um, a mixed blessing...


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