
Aug 17, 2011 21:18

Ah, LJ, glad you're still here to neglect for a month and then update. Wasn't sure for a while there.

Have been watching Clone Wars recently as it's been on TV. Some miscellaneous thoughts:
meaningful opening quote here )

star wars, i do believe it is an update, random

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Comments 2

gabri_jade August 17 2011, 22:11:41 UTC
Katherine! (Picture your name very drawn out and dramatic, because that's how I'm thinking it. I just can't figure out how to write it that way without it looking stupid. :P ) I'm glad to see you. *squashes*

I still can't get into CW and yet Satine still kind of bugs me. :P And if foreign accent = alien, then everyone is an alien. Why is logic such an elusive concept? Was the Australian lizard-alien thug a frilled dragon? Because I can't lie: although I would not categorize them as thugs, I think frilled dragons are awesome.

The scantily-clad women warriors thing pisses me off every time. I guess breasts are like magical armor? Grr.

A/P does work better as obsessive infatuation, but I'm still not 100% on what it is Padmé sees in Anakin. You'd really think that his immaturity alone would torpedo any infatuation. Or maybe it's a massive psychological regression on account of the childhood she missed, being busy as a world leader at fourteen and all, combined with a nice unhealthy dose of "he's a mess, but I can fix him ( ... )


deaka August 18 2011, 13:37:21 UTC
I liiiive! Heh. *glomps*

They were sort of almost winning me around by letting Satine make some really good points about the war and the Jedi and then they had to go all "I MIGHT DIE, SAY YOU LOVE ME" and I was like *facepalm*. Have to admit I only half paid attention through most of the eps I watched. CW is better than no SW? I really need to rewatch the movies.

The politics of the accent thing in Star Wars is just... headache-inducing. The lizard thug alien guy might have been based on a frill-neck. *ponder* (They are awesome. Kimba ran into one in the garden at our old house, and I don't know which of them was more alarmed. They were both all, ARGH WHAT IS THAT. I had to rescue him.)

Yeah, that gets me too. Okay, while it wouldn't do anything for me, I can see that having that level of intense adoration bestowed on you would be... something? but I don't see it being enough without additional issues. You sort of have to read into Padmé's characterisation, because is she ever filtered through Anakin's POV... Or just underwritten, ( ... )


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