(no subject)

Aug 17, 2011 21:18

Ah, LJ, glad you're still here to neglect for a month and then update. Wasn't sure for a while there.

Have been watching Clone Wars recently as it's been on TV. Some miscellaneous thoughts:
  • Ahhh, this is the Mandalorian episode that Jossed Karen Traviss.
  • .... and KOTOR, I guess?
  • So they kind of defanged the Mandalorians a bit there, but I never really got the fanboy love for Mandos, so meh?
  • I guess that wasn't as awful as I was expecting. It was no Obi-Wan/Siri, though.
  • OH NO IT'S BOBA FETT. Siiiigh.
  • The alien = foreign accent thing is really obvious in this series. :/ OH AND LOOK AN AUSTRALIAN LIZARD-ALIEN THUG.
  • Why don't female Jedi ever wear sensible battle-going clothing? (The complaint of female warriors everywhere, but still. OBI-WAN HAS FULL BODY ARMOUR. What.)
  • The clones are sort of the GFFA's redshirts...
  • Which has some problematic implications. Dear lord, it's a terrible thing to be a clone.

OH ANAKIN AND PADME. You guys are so bad at the adult relationship thing. This is why Anakin/Padme is about the only thing I struggle to read, fanfic-wise, because I just can't see them as OH TRUE LOVE so much as OH OBSESSIVE INFATUATION. Which is how I think it's actually meant to play, if you read all of their terrible terrible dialogue as deliberate. Maaaybe I'm giving Lucas too much credit (he does have a special affinity for clunky dialogue), but that's another meta.

The Jedi have serious issues with how they utilise their children. Expecting a teenager to command troops? Yikes. Have also just read Dark Rendezvous, so I may in fact be overly sensitive to the issue, but eesh. Palpatine really knew what he was doing, getting the Jedi to tangle themselves up in this war.

If LJ ever does implode, I do have a dreamwidth, I think?, but I'm more often found on tumblr as deaka. Or as ever I'm on TFN as Knight_Aragorn. I visit infrequently these days but a PM will draw me back. Probably. If the notification email thing is working. And if they don't move the boards without me realising. (AHAHA, move the boards, she says.)

star wars, i do believe it is an update, random

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