Fic: Blue Screen (Callista/Luke, 1/1)

Jan 23, 2011 15:21

Title: Blue Screen
Characters: Callista, Luke
Warnings: HOLY CRAP, this came out dark. Angst, depression, vague allusions to suicide. (The whole Callista arc is pretty dark on its own, really, even if it's mostly unintended.)

Summary: This is not happily ever after.

A/N: Not sure whether this will be posted anywhere else. *shifty eyes* It's a ( Read more... )

star wars, dark, luke skywalker, fic

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Comments 15

gabri_jade January 26 2011, 09:53:15 UTC
ILU. <3 <3 <3

You always, always do this - you find an entirely new way of looking at something, a way that gives it far more depth than the profic or most fanfic does, and then describe it in exquisite, searing detail.

I always thought the whole Callista/Cray switch was immensely creepy. I also thought (somewhat vaguely through my discomfort) that while I didn't like Callista, she surely had far more depth and potential than she was ever actually given. This gives her that missing depth. No wonder she was such a mess. And, of course, with everything else she'd known gone, Luke became pretty much everything to her, and you can't put that sort of pressure on a relationship; no one person can be everything. And Luke, with his desperate desire to heal everyone's wounds, tried so hard to make her fit into a life she was just too damaged to properly acclimate to. Dysfunctional relationship is probably putting it mildly. Leave it to you to create beauty from that, however dark. :P


deaka January 27 2011, 11:54:44 UTC
*glomps* :p

I always thought the whole Callista/Cray switch was immensely creepy. I also thought (somewhat vaguely through my discomfort) that while I didn't like Callista, she surely had far more depth and potential than she was ever actually given.

It's beyond me how they didn't address that, because... inhabiting a dead body, yeah. Cray's body magically morphing to fit Callista's features doesn't make that any less wrong.

And, of course, with everything else she'd known gone, Luke became pretty much everything to her, and you can't put that sort of pressure on a relationship; no one person can be everything.This, exactly! That's the huge thing that stands out to me about their relationship. Luke never seemed aware of it at the time, but think maybe with wisdom and less self-absorption he would have looked back on it a little differently. He was kind of a moron in this period of the EU. (Like he's not written that way in other parts of the EU! *cough ( ... )


blancwene January 26 2011, 18:45:32 UTC
Ahhh, this is great.

I always thought that the Luke/Callista relationship was dysfunctional from the start, because--the inherent moral problems with the Cray/Callista switch aside--she struck me as a woman out of time. Just trying to adapt to all the changes from Old Republic to New was bound to mess her up.

I never even thought about the fact that she was essentially a machine for decades, and how it'd be impossible for her to accept becoming human again (in another woman's body, no less).


deaka January 27 2011, 12:09:56 UTC
Oh, absolutely -- the generational jump would be traumatic and unsettling enough on its own, especially when you consider how drastically the galaxy changed in those decades she was trapped. And that's without even getting into everything else she had to contend with.

Bodily possession is never worth it, even for love. :p


katajanmaria January 28 2011, 19:42:37 UTC
You really have a remarkable knack for writing misery ( ... )


deaka January 29 2011, 11:42:17 UTC
Ha, thank you! Misery does pop up in a lot of my fics, I can't deny it.

I liked C's character, and CotJ and PoT in their own right - but I always thought that love story was hyped.

I'm the same, I don't hate Callista or that arc, but it was badly misjudged. And it's true -- bonding in adversity doesn't always mean a healthy and happy relationship forever. (OMG, movies have lied to me!)

Except, of course, that it was Callista herself who did that choise - but that's nitpicking

I was thinking more along the lines of what Callista means to him emotionally, but it's true, Callista does hold the blame for the actual 'possess Cray's body' decision, doesn't she... She really has a terrible record when it comes to making decisions relating to men in her life given that a similar situation left her stuck in the Eye in the first place.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed! :D


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