Doctor Who: EoT, Part Two (spoilers)

Jan 02, 2010 15:41

So that was much better than I expected. (Low expectations are the key, clearly.) Was amused by the random Star Wars references everywhere.

Ten's last song: thoughts, in no particular order )

doctor who, films, review

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Comments 12

gabri_jade January 2 2010, 08:46:42 UTC
I wish I could watch Doctor Who with you so you could explain it to me. I've managed to catch a couple of episodes, but while I think David Tennant is awesome, I think there's a fundamental disconnect between me and the show, and I'm just not getting a lot of it. *ponders*


deaka January 2 2010, 09:12:19 UTC
It's understandable for a show with such a weight of backstory. Out of curiosity, have you seen any of season one of the new series or just from season two (when Tennant started) on?


gabri_jade January 2 2010, 09:25:58 UTC
Um.... :P The episodes I've seen had Tennant as the Doctor. I remember one that involved - the Titanic? In space? And something that I think you or yubsie told me was a Christmas special. And one or two more whose details escape me. But it was always Tennant.

Who's pretty easy on the eyes, I have to say. Even when I had no idea what was going on, I didn't mind much as long as Tennant had plenty of screen time. :P


deaka January 2 2010, 10:15:01 UTC
Heh, that I understand. :p The last couple of Christmas specials haven't exactly been great, which probably hasn't helped. The Titanic in space one was, um, unique.

*ponders* I was thinking that season one is the best place to start, story-wise, although it has Chris Eccleson rather than Tennant as the Doctor. I think you'd be able to work out the context even if you start at season two. And I do have a few of the episodes and could probably figure a way to get them to you, if you ever did want to explore more of the show. I'm always on hand to spam through episodes, too. And/or give crash courses in Epic Time Lord Angst (TM), which is very important business. :p


treenahasthaal January 2 2010, 09:34:01 UTC
I loved the whole drawn out exquist agony of the last year and the specials. It seemed fitting that his death was self scrifice for an ordinary man, but the knocking was a gut punch when it came ( ... )


deaka January 2 2010, 10:24:57 UTC
I thought Romana, too. But,I would have liked to have known for sure. The Doctor definitely seemed to know her.

I think fandom might have exploded, but it might do that anyway just with implied Romana. The Doctor's reaction when he saw her was pretty awesome.

Initially Matt Smith does seem David Tennant. However, he has only just regenerated and doesn't know himself yet. I think there are shades of all the Dr's in... um... the Doctor. Does that make sense? I see bits of them all from time to time, especially latterly with Paul McGann (who I really liked in the movie "These shoes!") Christoper Ecclestone and David Tennant. The always on the go, running around at breakneck speed andthe companions running to keep up kind of Doctor. I wouldn't want the Doctor to lose that.That's true. And that side of Tennant's Doctor was bogged down all the angst that's been piled on him, so it will be refreshing in a way to have a clean start with Matt Smith. And I LOL'ed at the 'not ginger' comment (and his minor freakout when he thought he'd ( ... )


treenahasthaal January 2 2010, 17:09:32 UTC
I've just read a review of the episode on BBC news site, that says the woman was his MOTHER!!! Eek.

I have top admit that I like angst and I adored the emotion that 10 brought to the part. He seemed quite fragile at times; especially the scene with Wilf in the cafe.

You can catch the trailer at although it should also be on youtube by now. I am quite excited by it.

Oh and I can see Jack really taking a liking to the new Doctor! lol Though he's not as good looking as DT. : )


deaka January 3 2010, 00:01:30 UTC
I've read a couple of theories that she might even have been Susan, his granddaughter, hence his look back at Donna when Wilf asks who she was in that scene at the end. So many theories, all so fascinating! *g*

Beebs won't let me watch videos on its site because I'm outside the country, but I did find the clip on Youtube. It's certainly action-packed but I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet. It'll be very interesting what Moffat and Smith make of the Doctor. Come on spring. :p


lotusflower85 January 3 2010, 11:57:57 UTC
I agree re: Donna. While I'm happy she found someone who loves her, I don't think it will fix her feeling "sad but not remembering why," Wilf talked about.

The big tantrum and extended goodbyes felt a bit self-indulgent, even if it was nice to see everyone again (especially Jack in the Mos Eisley Cantina!) I will dearly miss Tennant, but am strangely almost happy to see a 'fresh face', so to speak, and hope Matt Smith is able to make the part his own. I still wish they had chosen someone who didn't have such a superficial resemblence to Tennant, but still. I am looking forward to a new start.


deaka January 4 2010, 13:24:36 UTC
Mm, I still find it slightly frustrating to watch a Donna episode knowing that all her growth and development is going to be wiped out of existence. Not the most satisfying way to pull off a character arc, but what can you do, I suppose. At least she's still alive and tolerably happy.

Agreed! I was a bit wary of how close Matt Smith was to Tennant's manic mode, but the more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to be forgiving. Even Tennant's Doctor was a bit crazy (crazier than normal for him, at least) post-regeneration, and Matt Smith's panicked blathering was amusing. Here's hoping for good things this year.


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