Doctor Who: EoT, Part Two (spoilers)

Jan 02, 2010 15:41

So that was much better than I expected. (Low expectations are the key, clearly.) Was amused by the random Star Wars references everywhere.

- I would have liked to have seen Donna and the Doctor get one scene. Wilf was awesome, but Donna is, well, Donna. And I'm not entirely convinced that marriage and money are going to fulfill her, but whatever.

- No reset with the Time Lords as such, although the Doctor having to acknowledge that they were morally bankrupt could make for an emotional reset of sorts for him.

- It felt quite manipulative to have the Doctor be so distressed about dying. Okay, he's not going to embrace it, especially not this emotionally shattered incarnation of the Doctor, but that "I don't want to die!" at the end? LIKE THIS WASN'T HARD ENOUGH ALREADY. And that tantrum before he steps in and saves Wilf... He was working himself up to it, sure, but it's not exactly pretty.

- Speaking of, when Wilf knocks on the glass? Ouch.

- The Master's arc played out well. Nice to see a sort of redemption for him in the end. And some of that dialogue in the beginning -- can Doctor/Master even be said to be subtext anymore? *facepalm*

- Liked the companions montage, although the Mickey/Martha was unexpected. Handy way to lump them into one scene? Erm, whatever happened to Tom Milligan? I did like the Rose part; fitting that it came last, and was I ever relieved that it was pre-S1 Rose, not Rose and Handy's wedding. And Joan's granddaughter was a thoughtful touch.

- I liked that Wilf's Time Lord stalker was left unnamed. Bets on Romana? *ponders*

- Matt Smith's Doctor was a little close to Tennant's, but even so there's promise there. No doubt we'll see him distinguishing Eleven properly next year. New costume, new Time Lord?

- So why was the TARDIS burning and so on? Because the Doctor was resisting the regeneration?

- I still can't believe Ten is gone. I'm not sure it's even going to sink in until the first Matt Smith episode, because Ten has been my first real Doctor; I watched periodically when Christopher Eccleson was at the helm, but his Doctor never quite clicked for me. But Tennant, Tennant, Tennant... he ran at it and gave it everything, and his Doctor just burned in every way. I'm going to miss that.

What else have I done recently? I saw Fantastic Mr Fox. Can't really see why it's getting such rave reviews, but the self-aware kind of quirkiness it relies on isn't my thing. It doesn't strike me as an effective children's movie as such either because of the talkiness and general dry tone. And it has problems with its female character (was going to type 'characters', but no, there's only one female character with any significant role), who seems to be there only to be pregnant and nag her husband. Oh, and then validate his recklessness and irresponsibility at the end. Issues much?

doctor who, films, review

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