"These are the voyages..."

Jul 06, 2009 19:19

So, O wise flist, Trek fanfic. Does anyone have any recs for reboot-fic? Probably gen at the moment, though I wouldn't mind decently written het. I don't think I'm quite prepared for Kirk/everyone under this and every other sun just yet. :p ( Read more... )

star trek, eu, searching for fic

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Comments 6

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deaka July 7 2009, 06:09:21 UTC
Fantastic, thanks for the links! Will check all of those out. Lots of Uhura sounds like exactly what I'm after. :D


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deaka July 9 2009, 13:45:13 UTC
Hey, so long as the link works, right? :p And another good one! (OMG, cultural taboos! I love it.) Thank you.


gabri_jade July 6 2009, 21:54:01 UTC
I know TNG, VOY and ENT well, TOS relatively well, and DS9 not at all.

DS9 not at all? o_O Oh, Katherine. DS9 is the best. If you ever get the chance to watch some, you must.

I never felt the fanfic bug with ST for some reason, and once upon a time I'd heard that Paramount had done a crackdown on internet fan creativity which had seriously alienated many fans, which Paramount tried to fix with the Strange New Worlds books (fanfic submitted in a contest and chosen by TPTB to be published), but the books didn't fully fix the Paramount/fan relations and a lot of fic went underground. But that's pretty old info at this point, and with the new movie especially, things have probably changed a lot. But, um, my roundabout point is that I have nothing to offer here. This isn't the comment you're looking for; move along. :P

Except that you should watch DS9 if at all possible. :P


deaka July 7 2009, 06:13:28 UTC
I've heard that about DS9, but sadly have never been able to get hold of it. I will keep looking, though.

Paramount cracking down on fanfic in the past does vaguely ring a bell, and would probably explain why there's so little about. And, LOL, that's perfectly all right. :p


sunnyskywalker July 9 2009, 17:58:18 UTC
There's a series of shorts about McCoy and his patients called "The People He Sees" here. So Many Different Suns is Chekov with a side of Pike. I very much enjoyed this fic about Kirk explaining to McCoy that insulting people based on the color of their blood is too racist.

There's other stuff in my memories, mostly 2009-based Spock/Uhura.


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