"These are the voyages..."

Jul 06, 2009 19:19

So, O wise flist, Trek fanfic. Does anyone have any recs for reboot-fic? Probably gen at the moment, though I wouldn't mind decently written het. I don't think I'm quite prepared for Kirk/everyone under this and every other sun just yet. :p

And while we're at it, does anyone have any older Trek recs? Quality fanfic for Trek seems to be quite difficult to get hold of, or perhaps I just don't know where to look. I imagine that, being an older fandom, it's spread around the interwebs to a greater extent than some of the newer fandoms. I know TNG, VOY and ENT well, TOS relatively well, and DS9 not at all.

In other news, I got FOTJ: Omen and the first two Rebel Force books today. On flick-through, Luke, Leia and Han seem to be better characterised in the RF books than in recent EU, so I'm curious about what the books will be like. I think the last YA Star Wars book I bought was Zorba the Hutt's Revenge, so surely things can only go up. :p

star trek, eu, searching for fic

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